• Resolved dustin999


    I have a field that’s an array of images on my pods object. I want to display an image for the object in the pods_ui admin section I’ve created in the wp dashboard. However, if I add the image field to the manage parameter in the fields array, it shows all of the images.

    Here’s a pastebin:


    How can I have it only select the first image for this object to display in the admin view?


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  • Thread Starter dustin999


    Anyone, anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

    Plugin Contributor Jim True


    An Image field is a relationship to the Media Library, especially if you have multiple images attached. That’s why it’s showing you all of the images (which is the correct behavior).

    If you want to override that behavior, or show only 1 image in the dashboard (like a featured image), you’d need to either write that image as a featured image and show that field on your dashboard, or pass that particular field through a function to only return the first ID in the array, if you wanted to only show that in dashboard.

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