• Resolved bikerbooyyy



    I have activated Plugin, menu selected and responsive menu is showing on top but no response when click on it. What can be a problem?

    Menu that is selected in responsive menu is added in the theme by function.php as a shortcode:

    function TopMenu( $atts ){

    $defaults = array(
    ‘theme_location’ => ”,
    ‘menu’ => ‘stormeny’,
    ‘container’ => ‘div’,
    ‘container_class’ => ”,
    ‘container_id’ => ‘stormenytop’,
    ‘menu_class’ => ‘menu’,
    ‘menu_id’ => ”,
    ‘echo’ => false,
    ‘fallback_cb’ => ‘wp_page_menu’,
    ‘before’ => ”,
    ‘after’ => ”,
    ‘link_before’ => ”,
    ‘link_after’ => ”,
    ‘items_wrap’ => ‘<ul id=”%1$s” class=”%2$s”>%3$s’,
    ‘depth’ => 1,
    ‘walker’ => ”,

    $htmlOutPut = wp_nav_menu( $defaults );

    return $htmlOutPut;

    add_shortcode( ‘topmenu’, ‘TopMenu’ );

    can this be a issue, and how do I make it work??



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  • Me too. Nothing showing up. Will have to try elswhere.

    I realise the plugin is compatible to version 4.2.4. But, can anyone get it – or other similar plugins for menus displayed on mobiles and tablets – to work in the latest version of WordPress?
    I recently installed WordPress 4.3, and have started building a web in it. The theme I am using is the premium version of Eyesite. Most of my menu headings do not open to pages, they open up to display a sub-menu of clickable pages.
    In computer browsers my menu works well. On my iPad it does not. I have installed five or six plugins, but have uninstalled all of them, as none of them work. Currently WP Responsive Menu is installed, although not working. This is my site (still being built):

    Update: after configuring the WPR plugin in the WP dashboard, this plugin now works beautifully on my iPad. Very pleased with it!

    Could you tell us about the configuration?

    You should be able to see “WPR Menu” in the WordPress dashboard. Select it, and see two tabs – General Settings and Menu Appearance.
    Configuration is mainly selecting from the available choices in the screens for those two tabs. When you have finished, a new menu appears at the top of the iPad screen, over your site’s header.
    In General Settings: “Elements to hide in menu”, I copied the sample code provided, into the text bar. This code removed the existing menu from my header, because it doesn’t work on mobiles and tablets. (Removing it won’t affect the menu when seen in computer browsers.)
    Whatever changes you make to the default settings, you must save them.
    In the Menu Appearance tab you can alter the way the plugin displays its own version of your menu. For example, I set “Menu open direction” to Top. I also added my own text into “Menu text”, but you don’t have to add anything.
    Again, you must save the changes.
    In my iPad I constantly refreshed the site’s website page I was on, every time I saved the changes. These immediately took effect on the iPad. (Haven’t been able to check it on a smartphone yet.)
    I hope that helps.

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