• I suspect this is a theme related issue, in which case I obviously can’t deactivate the theme since the site has already been developed.

    OS: Linux host.misfitinteractive.com 2.6.32-504.1.3.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Nov 11 17:57:25 UTC 2014 x86_64
    HTTP User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/44.0.2403.157 Safari/537.36
    Platform: PHP Linux 5.4.35 / WordPress 4.2.4 en_US
    PHP Dependencies: iconv=Yes, spl_autoload=Yes, openssl=Yes, sockets=Yes, allow_url_fopen=Yes, mcrypt=Yes
    WordPress Theme: RT-Theme 18
    WordPress Plugins: Gravity Forms, LayerSlider WP, Adminimize, Custom Dashboard Help, Custom Post Type Generator, Display Posts Shortcode, EventON, Facebook Like Box, Gravity Forms MailChimp Add-On, HTML Page Sitemap, Instagram Slider Widget, MailChimp for WordPress Lite, Map List Pro (Share On Theme123.Net), Postman SMTP, Revolution Slider, User Role Editor, WooCommerce, WordPress SEO, WP Fastest Cache, WP Migrate DB
    Postman Version: 1.6.23
    Postman Sender Domain (Envelope|Message): misfitinteractive.com|misfitinteractive.com
    Postman Prevent Message Sender Override (Email|Name): No|No
    Postman Transport URI: gmail_api:https:oauth2://www.googleapis.com:443
    Postman Transport Status (Configured|Ready|Connected): Yes|No|Yes
    Postman Deliveries (Success|Fail): 0|0
    Postman Bind (Success|Fail|Path): No|Yes|/home/rarbrewing/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php
    Postman TCP Timeout (Connection|Read): 10|60
    Postman Email Log (Enabled|Limit|Transcript Size): Yes|10|128
    Postman Run Mode: production
    Postman PHP LogLevel: 40000
    Postman Stealth Mode: No
    Postman File Locking (Enabled|Temp Dir): Yes|/tmp


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  • Plugin Author Jason Hendriks


    Postman Bind (Path): /home/rarbrewing/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php

    Since pluggables.php is the “other plugin or theme”, it is likely you are running some poorly developed 3rd-party software. If you search your site, you’ll find that someone has directly referenced the “pluggables.php” file in their source code. This is a security vulnerability for you.

    [..] I obviously can’t deactivate [..]

    that’s your choice ??

    Plugin Author Jason Hendriks


    Is there any way to easily find out which plugin/theme is calling /home/******/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php

    Just need to find out where this issue lies so I can assist my client in getting use of Postman STMP back. Even if all the plugins except Postman are disabled the prompt still appears (so I’m curious if it’s the theme).

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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