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  • The (scheduled) backup process is probably failing but a .sql backup file is created nevertheless.
    The (scheduled) backup process could be running out of memory or the zipping of the .sql file step is failing. So it keeps trying again and again …

    Disable scheduled database backups. Temporarily set WP_DEBUG to true in the wp-config.php file. Then try a manual database backup.
    That might help to get an error that points you in the right direction.


    This is happening to me as well. I have several WordPress sites that utilize this plugin. A few weeks ago one of the sites backed up about every 5 minutes the whole weekend and then a different site just did it again.

    Oddly, both times, it happened on the weekends.

    Follow my instructions in the weekend.

    Following my instructions, have you been able to get any error ?


    Tried all this and I didn’t see anything helpful. Just some things about my sidebar, but nothing too threatening.

    Does it have to be in the middle of rewriting the backups repeatedly?


    It’s very well possible that the faulty backup situation is not at hand when you test the manual database backup procedure.

    So yes I think it is relevant to test the manual database backup procedure when the scheduled database backup exhibits the faulty behavior.


    I’m not sure if I should create a new thread at this point, but here’s the latest…

    So one one of my sites, it created about 30 backups roughly 3-5 minutes apart. There was another 4 days prior to that, that did the same thing, so it actually isn’t only happening during the weekend.

    I checked all my sites and a lot of them don’t even have anything in the backups folder even though I received emails regarding the backup being completed.

    I’m extremely concerned that they aren’t being stored in the folder and I’ve checked the folder destination and it’s correct.


    I checked all my sites and a lot of them don’t even have anything in the backups folder even though I received emails regarding the backup being completed.

    And there is a backup file attached to each of those emails ?

    Make sure the Backup Method setting in the Database Backup section of the iTSec plugin Settings page is set to Save Locally and Email (default is Email Only) and the Backups to Retain setting is set to 0.


    Well, I suppose that’s another area where I’m quite confused.

    Every site has it set to Email only. However, only a few keep having the duplicate backups being created and saved to a local directory. I’ve gone in and double checked and they are set to Email Only.

    Thread Starter Lazylonewolf


    I’ve disabled the automatic backups for now since I periodically make a full backup of the site anyway, so this problem doesn’t bother me anymore.

    Since I didn’t know how to view a whole folder’s filze size through FTP, I had to ask my web hosting service to find which folder has the largest file size. For me, it was in:
    public_html > wp-content > uploads > ithemes-security > backups


    Ok, so on a few sites there is clearly something going wrong.

    Remember in order to be able to email the database backup as an attachment the backup file needs to be created first …
    Apparently on a few sites the backup file is not removed after the email is send … or there is no email send at all … and the backup file creation process halts\fails leaving backup files where you do not expect them based on the Backup Method setting …

    Is it a .sql or .zip file you are seeing on those sites ?


    Hey dwinden,

    There is one of each that gets saved.

    Each time it happens, it creates both an sql and zip file with the same file name. the zip file always shows a filesize of 0, while the sql file shows the full size.

    When it’s emailed, I only receive it via email one time.


    Ok that means there is a problem with zipping the .sql file.

    According to:

    Q1 : While creating an archive with PclZip, the script terminates with an empty created zip archive, why ?

    The behavior was encounter while the zlib extension is not enabled with the PHP installation. PclZip uses the compression functions from the zlib. In next releases of PclZip (1.1+) a systematic control of the zlib presence will be done.

    To check whether zlib extension is loaded in PHP on Linux execute:

    if(extension_loaded('zlib')) {
    	echo "zlib extension loaded !";
    else {
    	echo "zlib extension not available !";

    (Windows PHP has build in zlib support since PHP 4.3.0)

    BUT even when PHP zlib extension is available there are also some PHP directives that need to be set to high enough values in case backup files are BIG. Check your values in the iTSec Dashboard under “PHP Information”:

    – PHP Memory Limit (memory_limit –> default 8M)
    – PHP Max Script Execution Time (max_execution_time –> default 30 sec)

    It might be necessary to increase PHP’s memory_limit to fix the issue.

    In any case, as a workaround, you can also disable the zipping step in the backup process. You can do so by simply disabling the iTSec plugin Database Backup section Compress Backup Files setting.


    Apologies for all the emails generated. Actually the provided info might be relevant for you as well. I’m pretty confident the info provided in this post will solve the issue.

    Hm. Thank you dwinden.
    I checked and it on the sites that were affected, the memory limit it set to 256M and the Script Execution is set to 60s.

    I did go in and disable the zip option and will keep my eye on it.


    What is the average size of the .sql files created ?

    Perhaps trimming the backup size by excluding certain large log tables may contribute to a solution for the zipping problem.

    Disabling the zip option should definately make a difference (in your case).


    Went in and disabled the zip option on Thursday and checked this morning. Did have one site that started to repeat the backups still. It created 8 of them, roughly 3 minutes apart give or take 30 seconds.

    The average size varies depending on which site it is but for this one, the average is about 15GB.

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