• Working with WooCommece 2.4.6 the HTML coding of the page for the shop is different than the coding for the other WooCommerce pages. I could look at my theme to fix this difference, but that seems like quite a hack, and may easily be broken with updates to WooCommerce. Right now I’m looking to find a solution to this which does not end up breaking things. The shop page has:

    <div id="container"><div id="content" role="main"><nav class="woocommerce-breadcrumb" ><a href="https://jigmedatse.com">Home</a>&nbsp;/&nbsp;Shop</nav>
    			<h1 class="page-title">Shop</h1>
    			<p class="woocommerce-info">No products were found matching your selection.</p>

    while the Cart page has:

    <div id="container">
    			<div id="content">
    				<div id="post-404" class="post-404 page type-page status-publish hentry" > 
    					<h1 class="entry-title">Cart</h1>
    					<div class="entry-content">
    						<div class="woocommerce">
    <p class="cart-empty">Your cart is currently empty.</p>
    <p class="return-to-shop"><a class="button wc-backward" href="https://jigmedatse.com/shop/">Return To Shop</a></p>
    						<span class="edit-link"><a class="post-edit-link" href="https://jigmedatse.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=404&action=edit">Edit</a></span>
    					</div><!-- .entry-content -->
    				</div><!-- #post -->
    				<div id="comments">
    				</div><!-- #comments -->
    			</div><!-- #content -->
    		</div><!-- #container -->


Viewing 9 replies - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley


    Cart etc are standard pages – using your theme page.php template

    Shop is a post type archive using our archive-product.php template.


    Thread Starter JigmeDatse


    Not sure that really fixes the issue. At least, it doesn’t go far enough. I may have to play around a bit with things it seems. Like quite a lot. That’s OK. More learning to be made.

    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley


    You can copy archive-product.php over and change the HTML. Would be impossible to ‘match’ all themes.

    Thread Starter JigmeDatse


    Yeah, I really do understand that. I guess the issue that I was seeing is that your “theme integration guide” really doesn’t talk very much about what a person might need to look at in order to do so. When doing what was suggested it broke it even worse than I expected. It’s fine really. You guys really are doing a great job. It’s just that because all of these projects (WordPress, Themes, WooCommerce) are so large that unless things are really well documented it is next to impossible to know where you have to go to fix an issue.

    One of the things which I found when I was dealing with issues, is that a lot of the “problems” that come up, end up pointing not to the file causing the problem, but the file which is doing what it is *supposed* to do, but because something else did something “wrong” earlier, you get a message which makes things hard to debug.

    I guess, maybe I am *not* a developer that I think I am. I’m the developer who wants other people to develop in a similar way that I do. “Get it right first” rather than “get it out first”.

    Which might be why I really don’t so much want to work with other people for anything I’m developing. I ask questions about what the *right* way things are done, and usually get answers which are what the *fastest* way to get things done.

    Fortunately, a lot of the time, I find through digging deeper that I might be able to figure out what the *right* way to get things done is.

    Plugin Contributor Mike Jolley


    If you do spot anything unclear in the docs, there is a ‘report’ button which goes straight to docs team. Would help if you added details there so they can bump up any sections that are unclear!

    I have exactly the same issue with Couponia theme.

    Thread Starter JigmeDatse


    It seems that maybe the best thing is to use a theme which is known to support WooCommerce. It seems that you either need to have a developer familiar with WooCommerce, or you need to use an already created theme which supports WooCommerce. I’m not sure. It seems that it could be a big deal to “fix” these issues. I haven’t spent enough time looking at it yet. I have something that “mostly works” but not well at all.

    I’ve purchased a theme, that was supporting WooCommerce and branded as a “WooCommerce theme”, however it wasnt the case. I’ve had nightmare with their support team, they’ve spent 3 weeks and never fixed any of my issues. I ended up contacting market representatives, which resulted in instant refund and revoking of my support license. And here I am, 4 weeks later, with my client on the phone, with theme broken out of the box and no support.

    Theme page – https://creativemarket.com/fitwp/298239-Couponia-Coupon-Shop-WP-Theme

    Forgot to mention, that I never asked for a refund, all I asked for – is support and fixing those issues.

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