• Hello experts.

    I am writing this topic to understand more concepts about WP.

    Before saying detailed question, I want give an example I want make it.

    It is an example of a post. The post have contents and 3 Buttons (recomment, wish, buy)
    And records of pusing these button shows on this post near button.

    < Post Contents>

    [recommend] – 76, [wish it ] – 20, [buy it ] – 50

    At this point, I have questions.

    1. How connect a number of clicking the button of users to a DB of this post?
    : I used to use just default theme, so I don’t understand concept of WP.
    (I have a little experience to manage mysql using other web tools)

    2. How show off the records of a number of clicking.
    : It seems to display results of DB to post.
    Then, it is suppose to need a html code being able to connect to DB.

    Please help me to understand more.


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