• Resolved kbergie


    Hello Alberto,

    Love the Plugin and seems to be working with no issues. I’m a novice when it comes to doing any programming or “behind the scenes” work on my site. I apologize in advance if this is a very stupid question … I just don’t know.

    Just wondering where the English PO file is that I need to edit the notification messages in. I see all of the other language PO & MO files, but not sure which one to use to reflect on my site.

    Many thanks for your help, and would gladly purchase a Pro Version when available.


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  • Hi @kbergie

    Your question isn’t stupid at all. I had to learn how to do it too ??

    Here are the steps:

    1. Create the cleanlogin-en_US.po file (just copy from any other language file in the clearlogin lang folder), and use a program like Poedit to edit the .po file. Once you’re happy with your edits, save the .po and save to .mo in Poedit. You can see how it’s done on Youtube.

    2. Access your hosting root directory and add the newly created .po and .mo files to the clearlogin lang folder under Plugins.

    3. Access your wp-config.php file (located in the public-html folder on your hosting server. Open it in Notepad and search for /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */.

    4. Add the following code into the wp-config.php file – just above /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

    define ('WPLANG', 'en_US');

    5. Save the wp-config.php file back into the public-html folder and voila, you should be good to go.

    Hope this helps!

    @alberto, great plugin! Would it be possible to include the English .po file in the next update? Otherwise we have to copy our own files into the cleanlogin folder every time there’s an update.

    Thread Starter kbergie


    Thank You fdkfashiondesign!,

    Beautiful! . . .

    That worked the first time I tried ,you may understand my excitement just learning this and something works the first time :0)

    Not so much that I did it right, it has more to do with your excellent instructions.

    Once again, many thanks for taking time to help out with this, much appreciated.

    Thread Starter kbergie


    Marked as “Resolved”

    Thank you!

    Plugin Author Alberto Hornero


    That is! Thanks @fdkfashiondesign, I couldn’t have done better.

    Sure, I can include the en_US po/mo files for that purpose :-), in the next update.



    Plugin Author Alberto Hornero


    Next update will be release next week, with many other features ??

    Thread Starter kbergie


    Looking forward to that Alberto.

    Clean Login is so easy and has really integrated nicely with my site, I’m glad I found and tried it out . . .

    Plugin Author Alberto Hornero


    Updated! in few minutes you will be able to update it from the official repository.

    BTW, if you want to keep the changes in your language (en_US) translation, please move the file to the global language folder at wp-content/languages/plugins/

    Enjoy. And please, rate our quick and free support. Thanks,


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