Thanks for the reply
I checked and have only one discount code and it’s not for the basic(free) level.
I’m not very familiar with how I should insert this code into the checkout.php file. ( that is what you’re saying I should do? )
I have checkout.php open in Notepad++
Where do I insert the code from the link you provided?
I’ve found this code in checkout.php where I see the verbiage for asking for a discount code.
<?php if($pmpro_show_discount_code) { ?>
<?php if($discount_code && !$pmpro_review) { ?>
<p id="other_discount_code_p" class="pmpro_small"><a id="other_discount_code_a" href="#discount_code"><?php _e('Click here to change your discount code', 'pmpro');?></a>.</p>
<?php } elseif(!$pmpro_review) { ?>
<p id="other_discount_code_p" class="pmpro_small"><?php _e('Do you have a discount code?', 'pmpro');?> <a id="other_discount_code_a" href="#discount_code"><?php _e('Click here to enter your discount code', 'pmpro');?></a>.</p>
<?php } elseif($pmpro_review && $discount_code) { ?>
<p><strong><?php _e('Discount Code', 'pmpro');?>:</strong> <?php echo $discount_code?></p>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>