• I realize this might not necessarily be WordPress-specific but I’m curious if anyone knows.

    Right now my website’s articles appear like this in Google search results:

    Article Name – Website Name

    if it matters my website is https://www.rethinkmodern.com

    So if an article were called “Best cellphones of 2015”

    The search result is: Best cellphones of 2015 – Rethink Modern.

    Anyone know where this is changed/controlled? I’d like to change the “-” symbol, or I might consider removing the website name entirely.

    Is there an area in the wordpress settings that controls this? is it specific to my theme? Any help is appreciated.

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  • Hi Ronnie55,

    This is usually controlled in your header.php file. If you open that file right now, you’ll most likely see some PHP code between the <title> and </title> tags. That code will be dynamically set to show the article, a dash, and finally, the site name. If you’re comfortable editing this code, you can delete the dash and the site name, and save the file. The code for the blog title is likely this:

    <?php wp_title(); ?>

    If you’re not comfortable making these changes, another method is to use an SEO plugin, such as this one from Yoast. The plugin allows you to type in the search engine title for each page or post, right inside the page/post editor.

    Thread Starter Ronnie55



    I do use Yoast SEO.

    There are so many settings in WP I just had no idea where to go look for the option to change this.

    I’ll check Yoast’s plugin when I get home and toggle it through that.

    Really appreciate the response, Thank you.

    My pleasure!

    If you could kindly mark this thread as resolved, it would be much appreciated.


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