• Resolved vinhtc86


    Hi ad,
    I updated Youtube Channel Gallery Plugin at today, after plugin update
    My video not working on my site: https://thaoduocpqa.com.vn/video/

    Error type: "Bad Request". Error message: "Bad Request" Domain: "usageLimits". Reason: "keyInvalid".
    Check in YouTube if the id PLfM7t5ptXxYxWdjOy_PZEjkpwXteJwatU belongs to a playlist. Check the FAQ of the plugin or send error messages to support.

    MY shortcode:

    [Youtube_Channel_Gallery feed="playlist" user="PLfM7t5ptXxYxWdjOy_PZEjkpwXteJwatU" videowidth="405" ratio="16x9" theme="light" color="white" autoplay="0" rel="0" showinfo="0" maxitems="4" thumb_width="187" thumb_ratio="16x9" thumb_columns_ld="2" title="0" description="0" promotion="0" pagination_show="1" description_words_number="0" link="1" key="AIzaSyChNkI-uX7Da04DSiN6RxWyFp4EyNj-3K0"]

    I tried create new API and try it agian, but still the same

    Pls help me

    Many thanks,


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  • Enter the API key in the plugin, has left a place for entry then will the plugin to work. good luck

    Thread Starter vinhtc86


    Hi sanelhuseinovic
    Tks for you reply, but can you show me where i can insert API key to Plugin?

    I tried check flugin but i dont known where i can set API key

    Many thanks,

    Plugin Author PoseLab


    Thread Starter vinhtc86


    Hello PoseLab

    i tried make follow your video but still fail
    I get this messenger

    Error type: “Forbidden”. Error message: “There is a per-IP or per-Referer restriction configured on your API key and the request does not match these restrictions. Please use the Google Developers Console to update your API key configuration if request from this IP or referer should be allowed.” Domain: “usageLimits”. Reason: “ipRefererBlocked”.

    Pls help me!

    Many thanks,

    Thread Starter vinhtc86



    My widget is working now

    My problem is shortcode not working (I use short code for post) and i get this messenger:

    Error type: “Bad Request”. Error message: “Bad Request” Domain: “usageLimits”. Reason: “keyInvalid”.

    Did you added your own Google API key? Look at the help.

    Check in YouTube if the id PLfM7t5ptXxYxWdjOy_PZEjkpwXteJwatU belongs to a playlist. Check the FAQ of the plugin or send error messages to support.

    I use the same API for widget and widget working now

    pls see my link error: https://thaoduocpqa.com.vn/video/

    Any idea? Pls help me fix this

    Many thanks!

    Plugin Author PoseLab


    Hi vinhtc86
    Are you sure that you are using the same api key that you are using in the widget? Check it out another time, please. And if it is so, send me your shortcode

    Thread Starter vinhtc86


    Hi Poselab,

    My shortcode really working now

    Many thanks!

    Hi Poselab,

    I got the same problem. After the update the Videos on this page https://compassionoxford.com/videos/ are not working anymore. The shortcode I use is

    [Youtube_Channel_Gallery feed=”playlist” user=”PL2Pnjpr1vYHDgwWX8sxh2rl0ZKUdWtq9y” key=”AIzaSyBQuFkT6Hgbg_aeuH-TWALRaYJf5hC08Lc” maxitems=”20″ thumb_columns_ld=”3″ title=”1″ description=”1″ description_words_number=”30″]

    and the error message I get:

    Error type: “Bad Request”. Error message: “Bad Request” Domain: “usageLimits”. Reason: “keyInvalid”.

    Did you added your own Google API key? Look at the help.

    Check in YouTube if the id PL2Pnjpr1vYHDgwWX8sxh2rl0ZKUdWtq9y belongs to a playlist. Check the FAQ of the plugin or send error messages to support.

    I’ve checked API key and playlist. Both correct. I’m not using the plugin in a widget etc. I’ve also tried to regenerate my API key.

    Could you help, please?

    Thanks a lot


    same problem on this page –

    shortcode is:
    [Youtube_Channel_Gallery feed=”playlist” user=”PLvCasaEX4CmoHbJK5IquW5SMqPBIDBtRq” cache=”1″ cache_time=”24″ videowidth=”580″ ratio=”16×9″ color=”white” maxitems=”12″ thumbwidth=”333″ thumbratio=”16×9″ thumbcolumns=”3″ title=”1″]
    <div id=”__if72ru4sdfsdfrkjahiuyi_once” style=”display: none;”></div>
    <div id=”__hggasdgjhsagd_once” style=”display: none;”></div>


    Thread Starter vinhtc86


    hi kennymikey,

    I saw your video working now

    what’s happen with you?

    I like this plugin, it’s good

    Pls see demo or add this thumb_columns_ld=”2″


    if you want the same demo pls use this shortcode

    [Youtube_Channel_Gallery feed=”playlist” user=”your_youtube_ID” videowidth=”405″ ratio=”16×9″ theme=”light” color=”white” autoplay=”0″ rel=”0″ showinfo=”0″ maxitems=”4″ thumb_width=”187″ thumb_ratio=”16×9″ thumb_columns_ld=”2″ title=”0″ description=”0″ promotion=”0″ pagination_show=”1″ description_words_number=”0″ link=”1″ key=”your_API_Key”]

    good luck!

    Hi vinhtc86 – thanks for the help.
    So far, I did not get it fixed. I just put some YouTube vids up there (NOT in a gallery) as a temporary patch.

    I passed that shortcode onto my webguy who was able to squeeze me in today. He said it would be helpful and save him some time. I’ll keep ya posted!

    Hey guys, I’ve fixed the issue for kennymikey and it was a combination of issues. Seems the plugin has updated shortcode attributes plus he needed the Google API key in place. Once that was in place we had caching on which needed to be cleared. All in all his new shortcode is working and as follows…

    [Youtube_Channel_Gallery feed="playlist" user="PLvCasaEX4Cmo-9K2WVWoCd8DkAqujJIYb" cache="1" cache_time="24" videowidth="580" ratio="16x9" color="white" maxitems="18" thumb_width="333" thumb_ratio="16x9" thumb_columns_phones="2" thumb_columns_tablets="3" thumb_columns_md="3" thumb_columns_ld="3" title="1" key="AIzaSyA-97VcrZ8eRmMrpCULMphMIyJPRKOGrRM"]

    You can see a working example here – https://storyologystudios.com/web-series/book-smarts-crafts/

    Mine is working fine now as well. I’ve copied your shortcode, replaced user and key data. When I was pasting the API key somehow a span class got copied as well which was then part of the shortcode and this is why it always said “Invalid key”.

    But thanks anyway.

    Where do you find the SHORT code, I am getting this same error:
    checked the API key which is correct :

    Youtube Feeds

    Error type: “Bad Request”. Error message: “Bad Request” Domain: “usageLimits”.

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