Unfortunately, Google Captcha will be displayed and work correctly if you are using standard registration, login, comments form pages. In case of using custom forms and pages it will be necessary to make changes in them so that captcha could be displayed and work correctly.
1) Install the Google Captcha plugin and activate it.
2) Open the file with the form (where you would like to add google captcha to).
3) Find a place to insert the code for the google captcha output.
4) Insert the necessary lines:
if( function_exists( ‘gglcptch_display’ ) ) { echo gglcptch_display(); } ;
If the form is HTML you should insert the line with the PHP tags:
<?php if( function_exists( ‘gglcptch_display’ ) ) { echo gglcptch_display(); } ; ?>
If you have followed all steps, but the problem remains, we can help you to configure your Google Captcha custom form, however it’s a paid service, since there are a lot of different custom forms and the code should be inserted individually into each of them, so we need time to study your form.
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