Move the position of the image?
First of all, I love this plugin. It’s exactly what I needed! I have a quick question, is it possible to move the position slightly?
I have posts with ratings and would like the plugin to be positioned after the ratings like so:
Here’s a live page:
Thank you, in advance, for your help,
Hi Sylvia,
Just noticed you message. Please give me a few days to look at it and see if I come out with a solution for you. Not sure if I can but I will try.
Best regards,
PeterThank you!
Hi Sylvia,
I have just released version 1.14 [20150801].
Once you upgrade you will see the first option is to choose “Bottom of Content” or “End of Document”. Bottom of Content was where it had always placed the messages. Now there is an another position which is “End of Document” and it will place the messages at the very bottom of your webpage. If other plugins are placing messages at the End of the Document, you may not be able to arrange the order in which they appear … because there is no way at the moment to arrange them … there is but no one is doing it.
Please let me know if this is sufficient and there are no bugs … there should not be as it is running on my bread making blog at
Thanks and best regards,
PeterThank you so much, Peter! You’re very kind. Unfortunately, the “end of the document” option doesn’t quite work for my theme as it displays under the footer. I will use this plugin anyway as I haven’t found anything as good. ??
Hi Sylvia,
Can you email me a screen shot so that I can view what it looks like? I will add an option for you to adjust the ‘ranking’ so that it can be moved up or down a little. The End of Document position is in the WordPress Footer. The current setting is 100. The higher the number the lower the priority and it will appear lower down the footer. Normally greater than 20.
Give me a few hours and I will add this option.
Best regards,
PeterSure! Here you go…
Thanks so much!
Hi Sylvia,
I have just upgraded to version 1.15. This version will allow you to move the messages up or down a little within the footer area (End of Document option) by playing around with the priority value.
I noticed that some themes do put a footer but will not allow you to move your messages above their message. I have tried a priority of 1 and still could not move my messages above the theme’s footer. It can move above or below other plugin footers by adjusting the priority between 10 and 200. 10 is a higher position and 200 was lower down the page.
If you have too large a value for priority, say 800, the messages may not be shown and its something to do with the way its prioritized within WordPress.
Also you may notice that your first message is on the side of the themes message and not below it. To correct for this I would suggest that your first message is just
and your messages stored in the second message area onward.Please let me know how the messages show up on your site.
Best Regards,
PeterThank you so much, Peter! I tried a couple of value options but my image didn’t move at all. It may be my social media plugin in the footer is the problem.
I wonder if it would be easy for you to add the same priority value option for the “bottom of the post” option? I actually would like the plugin image within the post section and not the footer.
The issue is for my posts that have ratings, it would be ideal to have your plugin float under the ratings as opposed to above it as is the case today:
Live site (with ratings):
If it’s too much work please do not worry. I really appreciate all you’ve done so far and can work with the current plugin as is. ??
Hi Sylia,
I seemed to have lost you somewhere along the line.
What messages are you displaying in the dpaBottomofPostPage plugin as both links appear to be the same? I see the ratings 4,4,4 & 4.0. I assume that is the ratings. I did not see the plugin image.
Please show me the code in the plugin message text area to display the image.
I was checking your theme’s source code and Firefox highlighted some of the code in red (right click and select “view page source” in FireFox). It may be one to many
tags than closing</div>
tags related to the form code and there was a</br>
(I think</br>
is not allowed anymore, should be<br>
– not sure if I am correct here but XHTML uses<br />
). FireFox is complaining about something but I am not sure what it was.I do not know if this will work but can you temporarily take out the “Curls TV” and “Newsletter” on your right sidebar and see if the image you want displayed shows up? Or temporarily take out the right side bar. Just want to know if web browser could not understand what to do to display the page correctly.
Let me know.
Best regards,
PeterHi Peter,
So sorry for the confusion. I’ve been disabling the plugin as I’m not ready to have it live on the site yet, but I have activated it for you to see:
Here is the screenshot in case I have to disable it again:
I’m wondering if I can move it below the ratings/breakdown as it disrupts the flow of the article for the reader.
The code I’m using for the image/plugin is:
<img style=”border:none;max-width:100%” src=”” alt=“” />
<img width=0 height=0 src=”” onload=”ga(‘send’, ‘event’, ‘banner’, ‘impression’,’BottomOfPost690x173′,0, {‘nonInteraction’: 1});”/>Thank you for your help,
SylviaHi Sylvia,
The first line in the code displays the image you have shown me in the link. What does the other line of code do? Is it the ratings/breakdown code.
The code is not correct here as it was blocked here by this forum software. Above this WordPress forum message area, when editing or replying, you will see a ‘code’ button. With the mouse left click select the code you have entered in this message and click ‘code’ button so that WP forum will not try to interpret or run the code and then the code can be displayed here.
I assume that the code :-
<img style="border:none;max-width:100%" src="" alt=“" />
is the image code and the (has been modified by this forum software) code :-
<img width=0 height=0 src="" onload="ga('send', 'event', 'banner', 'impression','BottomOfPost690x173',0, {'nonInteraction': 1});"/>
is the rating code. Am I right?
Can you swap the two lines around so that it looks like
<img width=0 height=0 src="" onload="ga('send', 'event', 'banner', 'impression','BottomOfPost690x173',0, {'nonInteraction': 1});"/> <br><br> <img style="border:none;max-width:100%" src="" alt=“" />
That should rearranged the image to be below the other code. That is if both the ratings code and the image code are in the dpaBottomofPostPage plugin message. I have included two breaks
in between the 2 lines of code so that the two messages do not appear on the same line but one below the other when displayed on your website. You can test with one break<br>
instead of two<br><br>
.If I have understood your code correctly, you could put the ratings code in the first message area in the plugin settings and the image code in a second message area and that will automatically ensure that the ratings appear first and the image to appear second. The second message area should include one or two breaks
like this:<br><br><img style="border:none;max-width:100%" src="" alt=“" />
(& set the number of posts messages displayed as 2)
That would be the way to arrange the order of the messages in the “Bottom of Content” area.
Please try this and let me know.
Best regards,
PeterHi Jospeh,
Here is the code for the ratings/breakdown feature on my site:
`<div class=”single-box clearfix entry-breakdown inview”><h3 class=”entry-title”>
The Breakdown </h3><div class=”item clearfix”>
<h4 class=”entry-meta”>
<span class=”total”>9</span>
Coily Hair </h4>
<div class=”score-outer”>
<div class=”score-line” style=”width:90%;”></div>
<div class=”item clearfix”>
<h4 class=”entry-meta”>
<span class=”total”>8</span>
Curly Hair </h4>
<div class=”score-outer”>
<div class=”score-line” style=”width:80%;”></div>
<div class=”item clearfix”>
<h4 class=”entry-meta”>
<span class=”total”>9</span>
Kinky Hair </h4>
<div class=”score-outer”>
<div class=”score-line” style=”width:90%;”></div>
<div class=”item clearfix”>
<h4 class=”entry-meta”>
<span class=”total”>8</span>
Wavy Hair </h4>
<div class=”score-outer”>
<div class=”score-line” style=”width:80%;”></div>
</div><div class=”total-score clearfix”>
<h4 class=”entry-meta”>
<span class=”total”>8.5</span>
Total Score </h4>
<div class=”score-outer”>
<div class=”score-line” style=”width:85%;”><span></span></div>
And the code of the image that I’m using in your plugin is. I’m using this code to track clicks in Google Analytics:
<a href="" target="_blank" onClick="ga('send', 'event', 'banner', 'click’,’BottomOfPost690x173’,0, {'nonInteraction': 1});" ><img style="border:none;max-width:100%" src="" alt=“" /></a> <img width=0 height=0 src="" onload="ga('send', 'event', 'banner', 'impression','BottomOfPost690x173',0, {'nonInteraction': 1});"/>
Thank you!
SylviaHi Sylvia,
Ahhhh so there are 3 different pieces of code.
The code looks ok. Where is it placed? Is it in a plugin and which plugin?
Can you tell me what theme you are using and the social media plugin you are using so that I can install it in my test site and check what is happening.This code you have shown in your message,
<div class="single-box clearfix entry-breakdown inview"> <h3 class="entry-title"> The Breakdown </h3> . . . Total Score </h4> <div class="score-outer"> <div class="score-line" style="width:85%;"><span></span></div> </div> </div> </div>
where is it located? Is it part of the social media plugin or some other plugin or just code that you have entered. Where is it located? In a plugin?
Best regards,
PeterHi Sylvia,
I have fixed it and now the messages really will be at the bottom. I am testing the plugin so do give me one or two days before I release the update. … Actually, I have given the plugin a new name.
Best regards,
PeterAwesome! Can’t wait to see it!
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