• Resolved Travelmark


    Previously, I would type things such as “$75 – Early Registration, $100 – Normal Registration, $125 – Late Registration” into the event cost box and everything would display. A large amount of my events have multiple varying prices and although it doesn’t look the best on the main /events/ page, it worked well. Does anybody have any solutions or ideas on how to fix this?


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  • I too am now having this problem. I used to have ‘£5, (£4 Members)’ but now the price displays as a fixed ‘£5’.

    You can revert to the old code by copying general.php into a child theme and changing function_get_tribe_cost with the following code found in plugins/the-events-calendar/src/functions/template-tags/general.php:

    function tribe_get_cost( $postId = null, $withCurrencySymbol = false ) {
    		$tribe_ecp = Tribe__Events__Main::instance();
    		$postId    = Tribe__Events__Main::postIdHelper( $postId );
    		$cost = tribe_get_event_meta( $postId, '_EventCost', true );
    		if ( $cost === '' ) {
    			$cost = '';
    		} elseif ( $cost === '0' ) {
    			$cost = __( "Free", 'tribe-events-calendar' );
    		} else {
    			$cost = esc_html( $cost );
    		// check if the currency symbol is desired, and it's just a number in the field
    		// be sure to account for european formats in decimals, and thousands separators
    		if ( $withCurrencySymbol && is_numeric( str_replace( array( ',', '.' ), '', $cost ) ) ) {
    			$cost = tribe_format_currency( $cost );
    		return apply_filters( 'tribe_get_cost', $cost, $postId, $withCurrencySymbol );
    Thread Starter Travelmark


    Thanks! Worked great and still works as expected in the newest update!



    Thanks all – and we have a bug report filed to give this part of the plugin some more attention following these changes ??

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