Custom Donation Amounts
Is it possible to customize the donation amounts? I am interested in having 8 different donation levels with a custom identifier for each, ie. Platinum, Gold, Silver, etc.
Thanks for this wonderful plugin that you have developed..
Hello Opensesame,
This can be done. You will need to make some changes to the html coding. Would you like me to show you how?
Or would you like to wait for the author?
Yes, it’s possible. You could create your own html form that points to
residing in the plugin folder:<form action="" method="post"> <input name="x_login" value="PASTE_PAYMENT_PAGE_ID_HERE" type="hidden" > <input name="transaction_key" value="PASTE_TRANSACTION_KEY_HERE" type="hidden" > <input name="x_recurring_billing_id" value="PASTE_RECURRING_BILLING_ID_HERE" type="hidden" > <input name="mode" value="demo" type="hidden" > <p><label>First Name</label><input name="x_first_name" value="" type="text"></p> <p><label>Last Name</label><input name="x_last_name" value="" type="text"></p> <p><label>Email</label><input name="x_email" value="" type="text"></p> <p><label>Phone</label><input name="x_phone" value="" type="text"></p> <p><label>Comment</label><input name="x_invoice_num" value="" type="text"></p> <label>Donation Amount</label><br> <input type="radio" name="x_amount1" value="10.00"> $10<br> <input type="radio" name="x_amount1" value="25.00"> $25<br> <input type="radio" name="x_amount1" value="50.00"> $50<br> <input type="radio" name="x_amount1" value="75.00"> $75<br> <input type="radio" name="x_amount1" value="100.00"> $100<br> <input type="radio" name="x_amount1" value="0.00"> Other $ <input id= "other" type="text" name="x_amount2" value="" size="6"><br> <br> <br> <p><input type="checkbox" name="recurring" value="TRUE"> Automatically repeat this donation once a month, beginning in 30 days.</p> <br> <p><input type="submit" value="Donate Now"></p> </form>
The shortcode creates the above form, more or less. Instead of pasting the shortcode, you could just paste the above html into a post or a page and then edit as you wish. For instance, you could create new amounts, give them a name, and add radio buttons for them.
Thanks DonnellC and Richard for the prompt responses.. This just may help me over my hump.. I am currently working to build a plugin to display the donor content in a dashboard.. not sure if this is something that you are already working on, but would love to collaborate..
I will keep you posted on my progress with your plugin..
Thanks again!
What did you have in mind?
Or do you have a rough draft?Good morning Richard and DonnellC –
I do not have a rough draft, but the end goal is to basically repopulate the donor data from Payeezy payment gateway backend into the WP amdin backend as a filterable, sortable table for customer.
This is a current project for a client but I would love to co-author it into a workable plugin.
Thoughts? Interests?
Are you referring to creating a database with the donator’s information. For example: customer A donate $5.00’s and enters their information.
Are you looking to create this Database on WordPress?
That is correct. When a donation is made, all input (except CC info), would be fetched and stored in a WP DB.
Good morning..
When applying the HTML directly within my WP page and updating the bold text with my Payeezy credentials, the button is not working. But when applying the same exact settings via the shortcode, it works. Is there something that I am missing here?
<form action=”” method=”post”>
<input name=”x_login” value=”PASTE_PAYMENT_PAGE_ID_HERE” type=”hidden” >
<input name=”transaction_key” value=”PASTE_TRANSACTION_KEY_HERE” type=”hidden” >
<input name=”x_recurring_billing_id” value=”PASTE_RECURRING_BILLING_ID_HERE”Opensesame, you are right. WordPress html field will not process php. In this case the shortcode would be the way to go.
Opensesame, it works for me.
Are you using a production account? If so, use the above html form, but change this:
<input name="mode" value="demo" type="hidden" >
to this:
<input name="mode" value="live" type="hidden" >
Should work fine if you do that.
Hi Richard,
I have done both – used my demo and live account.. there must be a conflict with the Visual Composer or some other plugin that is stripping out some of the html.. I will try it outside of the Visual Composer.
For troubleshooting purposes, take the html form and place it in a text file. Rename the text file “form.htm” and save it to your desktop. Then, click on it and it should pull up in your browser as a donation form. Try that. If that works, you know it isn’t an issue with the php file.
Thank you Richard!
I found the culprit.. WordPress is stripping the </form> at the end and also all the <p> and
. When opening in an html file, it processes..Arrrrgh, WordPress..
Richard, DonnellC –
Below is my html file with internal CSS to right justify the label and left justify the input field. Feel free to use within your plugin.
************** START OF HTML **************
<html> <head> <style type="text/css"> label { display: inline-block; width: 125px; text-align: right; } </style> </head> <body> <form action="" method="post"> <input name="x_login" value="PASTE_PAYMENT_PAGE_ID_HERE" type="hidden" > <input name="transaction_key" value="PASTE_TRANSACTION_KEY_HERE" type="hidden" > <input name="x_recurring_billing_id" value="PASTE_RECURRING_BILLING_ID_HERE" type="hidden" > <input name="mode" value="demo" type="hidden" > <p><label>First Name</label> <input name="x_first_name" value="" type="text"></p> <p><label>Last Name</label> <input name="x_last_name" value="" type="text"></p> <p><label>Email</label> <input name="x_email" value="" type="text"></p> <p><label>Phone</label> <input name="x_phone" value="" type="text"></p> <p><label>Chapter Name</label> <input name="x_invoice_num" value="" type="text"></p><br> <label>Donation Amount</label><br><br> <input type="radio" name="x_amount1" value="10.00"> $10 <input type="radio" name="x_amount1" value="25.00"> $25 <input type="radio" name="x_amount1" value="50.00"> $50 <input type="radio" name="x_amount1" value="75.00"> $75 <input type="radio" name="x_amount1" value="100.00"> $100 <input type="radio" name="x_amount1" value="0.00"> Other $ <input id= "other" type="text" name="x_amount2" value="" size="6"><br> <br> <p><input type="checkbox" name="recurring" value="TRUE"> Automatically repeat this donation once a month, beginning in 30 days.</p> <br> <p><input type="submit" value="Donate Now"></p> </form> </body> </html>
************** END OF HTML **************
Are you good with database?
Please email me at [email protected]
I would like to go over my details regarding back end stuff.
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