• I seem to be getting this more and more these days…

    Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /wp-content/plugins/better-wp-security/modules/free/file-change/class-itsec-file-change.php on line 609

    What is wrong with iTheme Security?

    I can increase the max execution time but either way, if my customers have to wait more than 30 seconds for the page to load, it probably doesn’t matter by then…

    Amny help or recommendations would be appreciated


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  • There are 2 ways of running a File Change Detection scan.
    Manually by clicking on the “Scan Files Now” button in WP Dashboard or
    automatically triggered by users visiting your site or you accessing WP Dashboard.

    Does the error occur in both situations ?

    Line 609 is executed as part of any type of File Change Detection scan.
    This line checks whether a file/folder found needs to be scanned according to the Include/Exclude Files and Folders and Files and Folders List settings.

    In order to be able to say anything about your issue please provide how the following File Change Detection settings are set in your env:

    Split File Scanning [ ] Split file checking into chunks.

    Include/Exclude Files and Folders

    Files and Folders List

    Ignore File Types

    The problem could be specific for the check performed in line 609.
    But it could also be that the File Change Detection scan as a whole is just too big. You may need to split file checking into (7) chunks.

    Also provide the data from the “PHP Information” section in the System Information metabox on the iTSec plugin Dashboard page.


    Thread Starter SJW


    Thanks for the response

    Yes – it occurs in both the front end and backend – Just checked the error_log and it is 509MB with this line occuring regularly:
    [12-Jun-2015 01:41:37 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /wp-includes/option.php on line 52 (1128 times)

    Split File Scanning
    – Not Checked

    Include/Exclude Files and Folders
    – Exclude Selected

    Files and Folders List


    Ignore File Types


    PHP Information
    PHP Version: 5.3.29
    PHP Memory Usage: 61.99 MB
    PHP Memory Limit: 256M
    PHP Max Upload Size: 10MB
    PHP Max Post Size: 8M
    PHP Safe Mode: Off
    PHP Allow URL fopen: On
    PHP Allow URL Include: Off
    PHP Display Errors: On
    PHP Display Startup Errors: Off
    PHP Expose PHP: On
    PHP Register Globals: Off
    PHP Max Script Execution Time: 30 Seconds
    PHP Magic Quotes GPC: On
    PHP open_basedir: Off
    PHP XML Support: Yes
    PHP IPTC Support: Yes
    PHP Exif Support: Yes ( V1.4 )
    Disabled PHP Functions: (none)

    Thank you for your feedback.

    Are you using a caching plugin ? If so which one ?

    Any idea how much files (roughly) are in the excluded dirs:


    10s, 100s, 1000s, 10000s, 100000s, 1000000s ?

    If I understand correctly the issue is intermittent. Though getting more frequent.
    So there are probably also completed File Changes Detected log entries in the iTSec plugin Logs page. Please provide a screendump of the iTSec plugin Logs page after selecting File Change History in the Select Filter: dropdown listbox.

    Send the screendump file as an email attachment to [ redacted, support is not offered via email, Skype, IM etc. only in the forums ]
    Once all the above info has been collected and analyzed I hope to be able to provide you with some advice on what to do.


    Thread Starter SJW


    Yes – W3 Total Cache

    File Count:
    wp-content/uploads/wpcf7_captcha/ – 163
    wp-content/cache/ – 19

    The issue is intermittent for me but with 1128 entries in error_log, I wonder how many customers I’ve lost – I’ve de-activated the plugin atm but I can check for Logs.

    Logs say there are 0 Files Changes in the History.
    Do you still want screen dump?

    I’m a little bit puzzled now because this topic started with the msg:

    Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /wp-content/plugins/better-wp-security/modules/free/file-change/class-itsec-file-change.php on line 609
    (It’s not clear where this message is reported).

    But in your second post you mention a somewhat different error msg from the error_log:

    [12-Jun-2015 01:41:37 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /wp-includes/option.php on line 52 (1128 times)

    The first error msg can easily be linked to the iTSec plugin File Change Detection feature, but the second one refers to a general WP file\script (option.php).

    Perhaps this needs a little bit of clarification.

    I certainly would like to have a look at the requested screendump.
    You can temp reactivate the iTSec plugin, make the screendump and then deactivate the plugin again.


    Thread Starter SJW


    Where’s the confusion? I’ve just re-read and its all pretty clear.

    The first error occurred when I tried to access a page on my site – it displayed in the front end for the whole world to see – I posted here!

    You asked for additional information, at which stage I noticed an exorbitantly large error_log file. I checked it and it was apparent that this issue has been happening quite regularly (1128 times to be exact)

    Where’s the confusion? This plugin has caused a timeout 1128 times on my website!

    Hey Shannon,

    You can ask your host to increase your PHP max execution time and see if that helps. They won’t have to wait longer than 30 seconds (or even 30 seconds) for the page to load. This is for PHP processes to run, not page load time.

    If this doesn’t help I’d suggest disabling the File Change Detection feature for now.



    I understand the solution that you have proposed above to disable the file changing detection feature. My issue is that I am currently receiving a 504 error from the site and so I cannot access my WP dashboard to disable the feature. My error is

    a function from wp-content/plugins/better-wp-security/core/modules/file-change/class-itsec-file-change.php at line 230 that’s timing out and causing the issue, here’s the php-slow.log entry showing this:

    bc. [08-Dec-2015 10:47:49] [pool www] pid 10227
    script_filename = /srv/bindings/586ed90fb03e4e19903b848e0d2635a5/code//index.php
    [0x00007f29479ca3e0] array_diff_assoc() /srv/bindings/586ed90fb03e4e19903b848e0d2635a5/code/wp-content/plugins/better-wp-security/core/modules/file-change/class-itsec-file-change.php:230
    [0x00007fff9afbae80] execute_file_check() unknown:0
    [0x00007f29479ca1e8] call_user_func_array() /srv/bindings/586ed90fb03e4e19903b848e0d2635a5/code/wp-includes/plugin.php:503
    [0x00007f29479ca050] do_action() /srv/bindings/586ed90fb03e4e19903b848e0d2635a5/code/wp-settings.php:353
    [0x00007f29479c9f28] +++ dump failed

    How do I change the settings in code, qwhat do I change it to?

    Obviously if I could get to the WP dashboard then I could change the settings through the interfface but currently that isn’t possible.

    Here is line 230 from my PHP file in the plugin


    $files_added = @array_diff_assoc( $current_files, $logged_files ); //files added

    Can I just comment it out and expect things to work or is there a lot more to it than that?


    Can I just comment it out and expect things to work or is there a lot more to it than that?

    In general changing the code is not a good idea.

    Assuming the File Change Detection feature is preventing you to access WP Dashboard simply disable the File Change Detection feature in the database.

    1. Login into your database using PHPMyAdmin.
    2. Execute the following SQL command:

    select * from wp_options where option_name = ‘itsec_file_change’;

    3. Change in serialized option_value string s:7:”enabled”;b:1; into string s:7:”enabled”;b:0;
    4. Save change and exit.


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