• LeRondPoint


    I did a small modification to the plugin i order to be able to shorten any link. Specifically, I need to shorten my permalink with appended UTM tracking parameters. So I split the wpbitly_generate_shortlink() function like this and can now call wpbitly_shorten_url() with my desired URL anywhere from my theme. I think it should be included in a future release!

     * Generates the shortlink for the post specified by $post_id.
     * @since   0.1
     * @param   int $post_id The post ID we need a shortlink for.
     * @return  bool|string          Returns the shortlink on success.
    function wpbitly_generate_shortlink($post_id) {
        $wpbitly = wpbitly();
        // Avoid creating shortlinks during an autosave
        if (defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE)
        // or for revisions
        if (wp_is_post_revision($post_id))
        // Verify this is a post we want to generate short links for
        if (!in_array(get_post_type($post_id), $wpbitly->get_option('post_types')) ||
            !in_array(get_post_status($post_id), array('publish', 'future', 'private')))
        // We made it this far? Let's get a shortlink
        $permalink = get_permalink($post_id);
        $shortlink = get_post_meta($post_id, '_wpbitly', true);
        $token = $wpbitly->get_option('oauth_token');
        if (!empty($shortlink)) {
            $url = sprintf(wpbitly_api('expand'), $token, $shortlink);
            $response = wpbitly_get($url);
            wpbitly_debug_log($response, '/expand/');
            if ($permalink == $response['data']['expand'][0]['long_url'])
                return $shortlink;
        $shortlink = wpbitly_shorten_url($permalink);
        if(!empty($shortlink)) {
            update_post_meta($post_id, '_wpbitly', $shortlink);
        return $shortlink;
     * Generates the shortlink for the url specified by $link
     * @since   0.1
     * @param   string $link The long link we need a shortlink for.
     * @return  bool|string          Returns the shortlink on success or false.
    function wpbitly_shorten_url($link) {
        $wpbitly = wpbitly();
        // Token hasn't been verified, bail
        if (!$wpbitly->get_option('authorized'))
            return false;
        $shortlink = false;
        $token = $wpbitly->get_option('oauth_token');
        $url = sprintf(wpbitly_api('shorten'), $token, urlencode($link));
        $response = wpbitly_get($url);
        wpbitly_debug_log($response, '/shorten/');
        if (is_array($response)) {
            $shortlink = $response['data']['url'];
        return $shortlink;


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