3 years ago this plugin was pretty much abandoned.
Seems like such a basic thing to list respective job categories
If your a coder or not you should understand that when it comes to software development there is no such thing as BASIC or EASY. Taking this on also means we have to maintain backwards compatibility too.
If you really have a desire for this change you can do several things to help support it.
Get involved:
You can contribute to the source code on our Bitbucket repository.
Users can contribute by making a donation.
And you can make a recommendation for an enhancement on the place to do that.
I just don’t have enough hours in the day right now for the updates were working on to jump at an enhancement that no one has bothered to post a request for. The forum is for support and if it’s not a feature of the plugin then you should make a proper request and we will follow up with adding to the list. Its therefore not a bug and not a problem if the plugin doesn’t have a feature you want.
Feature adds are usually made by the consensus of users that take the time to provide the details in the proper venue for that. I realize this does not answer your immediate need however, I have made suggestions.
Maybe you overlooked this. Go back and look at the #1 Example above and perhaps you can use that.
Those Buttons for Legal and IT are a LIST of Jobs by Category. very similar to what you requested.
Hope this helps.