Can't Deauthorize & Reset Google Analyticator
I receive error message of “Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again.” when I tried to deauthorize & reset Google Analyticator. I also tried to clear cache but it gives nothing further.
Thanks you for the help
I still have the problem and follow up with additional information.
I use Google Analyticator in multisite environment and the sites I cannot deauthorize are replaced sites.
For example, I run site A then replaced by site B with a feature of domain mapping configuration ( to After the site replaced, I realised to switch the plugin information and received the error.
(My guess would be some internal records come from the plugin relate to the old domain information so that I prevent deauthorizing?)
Thanks for your help.
Same problem, but not using multisite…
Would you confirm if the problem you’re experiencing is related to anything mentioned here –
It doesn’t seem to be –?I don’t get an error report of that sort (or I don’t know where to look for a more extensive error report of that sort). All I get is the “Are you sure…” report, and I get that every time. (The “Are you sure…” does occur on sites of mine every once in a while, unrelated to Google Analyticator as far as I know; it’s always when I return to the back-end of the site and input a new post after logging into that site a few hours earlier, as far as I remember.)
I see. The error I’ve shared would be in place of the dashboard widget and would appear on the settings page. If you can access the dashboard widget and see the stats and access the settings page then this is unrelated.
Yes, it appears unrelated.
With respect to the original problem, I tried deleting and re-installing the plugin, but still got the same result. Also hunted in the database via PHPMyAdmin, but couldn’t find anything that looked like it belonged to the plugin.
All because I selected the wrong website to track when initialising the plugin in the first place…
In your options table look for ga_
I just solved my issue by backing up all the ga_ options, deleted them, went to the settings page in WP admin and it was ready to be authenticated…
These were the settings I cleared in the options table for the site ID having issues.
ga_version ga_status ga_disable_gasites ga_analytic_snippet ga_uid ga_admin_status ga_admin_disable_DimentionIndex ga_admin_disable ga_admin_role ga_dashboard_role key_ga_show_ad ga_adsense ga_extra ga_extra_after ga_event ga_outbound ga_outbound_prefix ga_enhanced_link_attr ga_downloads ga_downloads_prefix ga_widgets ga_annon ga_defaults ga_google_token ga_google_authtoken ga_domain_name ga_enable_remarketing key_ga_track_login ga_analyticator_global_notification
Found a simpler solution, hope it works for everyone: Go to your list of plugins, and for Google Analyticator you’ll find ‘Settings | Reset | Deactivate | Edit’ –?‘Reset’ works! (in the sense that you don’t get “Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again.” but you do have to get the Analytics key etc again)
Thank you, pfitzgld. This was not an option for me as the errors were not allowing access the these options, i.e. using the URL to reset by appending the /options-general.php?page=ga_reset wouldn’t do the trick. The work around accessing the database worked for me and was the only option I could perform without affecting other sites on the network.
I also setup an admin menu item via custom plugin we wrote for support with a direct link to this reset. The problem with GA is it was breaking the widgets in both normal and special access as well as the customize theme area.
This is a terrible bug! Please fix it whoever is in charge!
To summarise: It seems that for pretty much everyone (adding myself) the ” Deauthorize & Reset Google Analyticator.” button at the bottom of the settings page doesn’t work. Instead it always shows the generic “Are you sure you want to do this?” error.
That error is caused by a failed “nonce” which are the security keys used to ensure that a page is requested by the appropriate other page and not by an attacker.
Specifically, in this case, it happens during a call to
:// Check to make sure referer is same as host. check_admin_referer( 'ga-reset' );
It seems using the button from the bottom of the settings page doesn’t fulfill the nonce needs of
.For whatever reason the “reset” button on the global plugins listing page DOES work, so we can use it as a fallback, and it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out what that button is doing that the one on the settings page isn’t.
Found the solution. It seems the link was doomed to fail because it wasn’t updated to create the nonce that the
function then checks.The matching link in
, which controls the “Settings” and “Reset” links on the Plugins screen, does it this way:wp_nonce_url( admin_url('options-general.php?page=ga_reset'), 'ga-reset' )
to do it the same way worked for me:<?php /** * JERHACK: wrap bare call to admin_url in wp_nonce_url() to match the check in ga_do_reset() * @see */ ?> <!--<a href="<?php echo admin_url('/options-general.php?page=ga_reset'); ?>">--> <a href="<?php echo wp_nonce_url( admin_url('options-general.php?page=ga_reset'), 'ga-reset' );?>">
You can see I wrap the old URL in an HTML comment and add the new one with wp_nonce_url() instead.
Developers please apply this fix to the plugin ASAP! Getting stuck unable to reset is a terrible problem.
Dos enybody know if this issue has been fixed?
I still have the problem with the links in a Multisite install.I was able to re-authenticate after changing “ga_defaults” in the corresponding options table from “no” to “yes.”
Thanks pfitzgld
Found a simpler solution, hope it works for everyone: Go to your list of plugins, and for Google Analyticator you’ll find ‘Settings | Reset | Deactivate | Edit’ – ‘Reset’ works! (in the sense that you don’t get “Are you sure you want to do this? Please try again.” but you do have to get the Analytics key etc again)
worked for me!
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