• The default text in the theme’s footer is

    Copyright and Powered by WP etc

    How can I customise the text?

    Much appreciated!

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  • Hello Andrew,

    To change the Copyright:
    If you go to “Customize –> Site Title and short Description” you can change the name of your site and it will appear next to “Copyright”

    To change the Powered by:
    I have changed in the footer.php file.
    In line 30 you can check the “Powered by” line and delete/replace it for the proper content.

    I have done it so in my site


    Yes to change the name next to the Copyright on the left-hand side of the screen enter that under Customize > Site Title

    To remove or alter the ‘powered by’ you need to go into Appearance > Editor in your dashboard. Once you are in the editor on the right side of the screen click on the footer section. Once in the footer section change the code to add or delete Copyright and Powered By information.

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