Wrong date applied to posts when viewing all posts under Named Category
When viewing a category, each post in said category displays the wrong date and “Uncategorized”(other categories display date and category correctly).
example: November 30, -0001 Uncategorized (Note the year. All posts in this category display identically)
When a specific post in said category is clicked on and displayed, it shows the correct date and category:
example: June 15, 2015 CAFP Parenting Strategies
Running 4.2.2
URL: https://blog.cmcafp.com From sidebar select “Parenting Strategies”
Attempted so far:
1. renamed “Uncategorized” then deleted.
2. Changed time zone: City and then UTC-4 for local time – neither effected any change.
3. Created new category and assigned same post – no change.No posts are allocated to “Uncategorized”
Not sure where to go from here. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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