• Hi there

    I see that some people have asked this before and i’ve tried the solutions they found or were told but none of them seem to work for me. I had previously changed the $ to a £ symbol before by editing a line in the plugin PHP file but again that seems to have changed and I can’t get it to do that now.

    Could you let me know what I need to alter to get my prices to display in £’s.

    Many thanks…


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  • Plugin Author fsheedy


    Since version 0.15, this is automatic.
    If you have chosen EUR currency in Etsy, EURO symbol will be by default.

    Thread Starter samossie


    Yep I found that in the code but I don’t need the Euro € symbol I need a GBP £ symbol.

    I’ve edited the code now to make that work but might be worth considering an additional bit of code that reads the GBP currency from Etsy and sets a £ exactly as the EUR works as I notice that everyone that asked about changing currency needed the £ and not the €.


    For future users – even with the new version, you can still hack the code to display a £ symbol.

    Edit the plugin. The line you want is

    <p class=”etsy-shop-listing-price”>‘.$currency_symbol.$price.’ <span class=”etsy-shop-currency-code”>’.$currency_code.'</span></p>

    (nb I’ve already edited mine and the above bit in bold may not be exactly what you have – I’m working from memory in terms of what it was before I edited)

    Change the bit in bold above to:

    <p class=”etsy-shop-listing-price”>£’.$price.’ <span class=”etsy-shop-currency-code”>’.$currency_code.'</span></p>

    Note the £ symbol comes straight after the >, and the ‘ has moved after it to before the .$price.

    This hard-codes a £ symbol rather than using a field for currency symbol.

    If you update the plugin in future, you’ll lose this change and have to hack it again.

    To the plugin author – my Etsy listings are set to GBP. After updating, all my prices said $2.50GBP, so it wasn’t automatically displaying a £.

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