I have solved it and here is how I did it! Finding good solutions of solving wordpress problems is really hard to find for not to mention a “Best Practice manual” Though I thank all the people who tried helping me. How about a really good knowledge base and a best practise manual for us who want to host our own wordpress site on Linux and so on? Anyway the SSL thing is still an issue and I got tired of it so I solved it by disabling it by changing https to http on both site adress url and wordpress adress url.
Now to the other thing where nothing normal procedure seemed to work. Well normally you just use NAT on your hardware firewall and point oout your local IP and http(80) and https(443). But as usual WordPress is living in its own idiotic world so no normal things like that worked! So here is the procedure.
This is the simplest way to do it! If you have come this far with WordPress I really truly madly deeply hope you are using PHPmyadmin. Yes you need to install PHPmyadmin for administering your MYSQL databases for WordPress in a normal humanly way because you really dont want to hack it and update it row by row by PUTTY =). Anyway in phpmyadmin open your database on your left side Click on wp_options and if you like me have the newest wordpress 4.2.2 with the newest phpmyadmin 4.4.6 and the newest mysql 5.5.40-MariaDB-36.1 then you should have something named: siteurl and home on the top right corner under option_value. Theese two settings is needed to be changed to your domain name. If your domain name is https://www.wordpresshelp.com then you should only put wordpresshelp.com on thoose rows and then push run. Problem is solved right? NOT! Because wordpress is an IDIOTIC software you also need to test your homepage. Things you will recognize is that oh gosh a lot of pictures has suddenly dissapeared which worked with the locally internal IP number. The pictures has dissapeared because all the changes you do in the MYSQL does not go through everywhere and I still think thats wordpress fault or the wordpress themes anyway you can solve this by opening the page in wordpress who has missing pictures. Switch to Tex editor mode and you will see the fault by the internal IP number in the URL. Delete the IP number and change it to your domain name in this example wordpresshelp.com(www isnt needed) and then click save and it will work. For me 12 pictures dissapeared and so did my logo. Though I solved it and now I am happy. So to all other wordpress newbees like me out there. Sure WordPress is good when it works, if you like me want to host your own Linux wordpress site you should be aware of a lot of problems may appear, it isnt as easy as they say. It is a lot of trial and error =). But when it works it is like 95% faster, more stable then a Microsoft IIS =). Why? Because Linux just is =).
I have made a complete manual from scratch of how to install Centos 7, apache, mysql, webmin, phpmyadmin, SSL(which still doesnt work with wordpress as it should with background images on start page) included with wordpress 4.2.2 on a standalone server which you host. I can also recomend installing this in an virtualized production environment. If you want the manual just send me a message and I will send it over.
Big thank you to 12AX7 who tried helping me…..