• Resolved Chris Conway



    I’m having a problem with the fact that when tweets are made into posts, instead of being published they are being set as scheduled – it seems that the schedule is 6 hours ahead – which is too long for my needs.

    I have been unable to find any reason that this is happening or any setting to adjust it. I tried using an auto scheduler plugin but it had no effect.

    I’m using Twenty-Fourteen theme and the posts are only from this plugin and a relatively small number per day – roughly 15 – 20.

    Any advice or suggested fix would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you ??


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  • Plugin Author Chandan Kumar


    It is timezone related issue. Check your WordPress timezone setting and There is a option called “Publish date as WordPress Timezone” in plugin setting which will set the tweet time according to your WordPress set timezone.

    Thread Starter Chris Conway


    Thank you – working perfectly now – appreciate your help! Will send you a donation through the Paypal link for your time and the use of this great plugin. Cheers

    Plugin Author Chandan Kumar


    Thanks for your great comments and donation Chris. ??

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