here everyone thanks for replies here is shortcode I am using on my home page-
[Youtube_Channel_Gallery feed=”playlist” user=”PLI5viveLwoD0caj6brRcSHexbmV5npmdW” feedorder=”desc” videowidth=”500″ ratio=”16×9″ theme=”dark” color=”black” quality=”small” autoplay=”1″ rel=”1″ showinfo=”1″ maxitems=”9″ player=”1″ thumb_columns_md=”3″ thumb_columns_ld=”3″ thumb_width=”33%” thumbnail_alignment=”left” title=”1″ link_window=”0″]
and it looks like this-
and here is shortcode I am using on my other tab-
[Youtube_Channel_Gallery feed=”playlist” user=”PLI5viveLwoD0jtaCtHu2uuPIeJZcHWJch” feedorder=”desc” videowidth=”480″ ratio=”16×9″ theme=”dark” color=”black” quality=”small” autoplay=”1″ rel=”0″ showinfo=”1″ maxitems=”9″ thumb_width=”100″ thumb_ratio=”16×9″ thumbcolumns=”3″ title=”1″ title_alignment=”left” description=”1″ thumbnail_alignment=”left” descriptionwordsnumber=”10″ link_window=”0″]
and it looks like-
I used shortcode someone asked me to use in above comments as a fix.
[Youtube_Channel_Gallery feed=”playlist” user=”PLI5viveLwoD0vSbAPWcH-_eIfKTnrLs8z”player=”1″ thumb_columns_md=”2″ thumb_columns_ld=”3″ thumb_width=”480″ title=”1″
and this is how it looks like
It does nothing but shows an error.
What am I doing wrong? Neither of these 2 codes works properly.
and why thumbnails aren’t aligned in a same margin?? its like ladder alignment not straight.