• Hello there,

    I’m trying to display the original ancestor, or top level category, as part of the grouped product title that gets displayed in the cart and checkout pages for my WooCommerce site. For example, let’s say I have a top level category Men’s. Within that I have a subcategory, pants, that has a grouped product of chinos. Chinos is technically a single product that has linked products that are just color variations of that product, like blue and gray.

    Here’s a quick breakdown of the product trail:
    – Men’s (category)
    – – Pants (subcategory)
    – – – Chino (grouped product)
    – – – – Blue (linked product)

    Currently if I were to put a blue pair of chinos in the cart it would show up as “Chinos -> Blue”. I’m wondering if there’s a way to add the top level category only so the title would display as, “Men’s -> Chinos -> Blue” in the cart and checkout pages. I was able to come across similar topics that weren’t quite what I was looking for, but I apologize ahead of time if this topic has been covered elsewhere.


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