• Hello,

    I would like to highlight the current category as if I were using wp_list_categories(); (which displays a “current-cat” class).

    But I just can’t use wp_list_categories as I am changing the result given by get_categories thanks to its array form.

    Here is the code :

                                $catID_Concours = get_cat_ID("concours");
                                $catID_Fini = get_cat_ID("fini");
                                $excludeCatID = $catID_Concours . ',' . $catID_Fini;
                                $args = array(
                                    'exclude' => $excludeCatID, /* On retire la catégorie Concours du menu */
                                    'title_li' => '0',
                                    'hide_empty' => '1',
                                $categories = get_categories($args);
                                $menu = '';
                                foreach($categories as $category) {
                                 $category_link = get_category_link( $category );
                                    $menu .= '<li class="cat-item '. $category->slug .'"><a href="'. $category_link .'">'. $category->name .'</a></li>';
                                echo $menu;

    So, is there a way to add a current category function to this code?


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