here is the html code, the select is named “thumbsize”
<select name="thumbsize" id="thumbsize" onchange="var jt = jQuery(this); var szcust =".nextgen-thumb-size-custom"); if (jt.val() == "custom") { szcust.find("[name=\"widgets[c144][width]\"]").val("200"); szcust.find("[name=\"widgets[c144][height]\"]").val("150");; } else { var parts = jt.val().split("x"); szcust.hide(); szcust.find("[name=\"widgets[c144][width]\"]").val(parts[0]); szcust.find("[name=\"widgets[c144][height]\"]").val(parts[1]); }">
<option value="200x150" selected="">200x150</option>
<option value="custom">Personnalisé(e)</option></select>
here is the javascript of siteOrigin plugin
` $f.find(‘[name]’).each( function(){
var $$ = $(this);
var name = /([A-Za-z_]+)\[(.*)\]/.exec( $$.attr(‘name’) );
// Create an array with the parts of the name
if(typeof name[2] === ‘undefined’) {
parts = $$.attr(‘name’);
else {
parts = name[2].split(‘][‘);
parts.unshift( name[1] );
The siteOrigin plugin check all the form looking for named input, not checking if it respects the format “name[id][name]” and trying to convert into array and reading it as an array.
Andrew told me they will probably add a test to prevent this bug for the futur, but would be a good idea to prevent some conflict with another plugin for you to.
And sorry for my english, if you need more info, just ask.