I cannot login. After my password, nothing happens then I get a 504 Gateway Time
Hi all,
I am a novice here so deeply tech answers may lose me! I can follow instructions though.
For no reason I can fathom I cannot log in. About 10 days ago I updated my site with a few word changes in some text on the home page. At that time I didn’t make any other changes to anything. Then, 3 days after that I went to log in (/wp-admin) and found that after entering my password nothing happened for a while and I then got a’504 Gateway Time-out, The server didn’t respond in time’ message.
This has been happening ever since.
The front end is working fine so far as I can tell.
I have cleared my cache.
I have tried logging in on different computers.
I use a Mac but I have also tried on a Windows PC.
I have changed my password.
I have spoken with my Host and they say they can see nothing wrong but they don’t offer WP support.
In my Host control panel I have restored my site from 3 earlier back ups, going back to before the last text update. I have auto backup done daily.I am at a loss. I wondered if reinstalling WordPress on the Host server and then restoring my website might work.
Does anyone recognise my problem and can help?
Regards to all,
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