Whoops! That’s a typo in the code, I’ll fix that. Yes, it’s incompatible with the plugin amazon-web-services but … that’s because we use the same code and it runs into major conflicts when we’re out of sync with the core SDK. Similarly, with BackupBuddy we make a lot of the same calls and they use AWS and I use DHO and they’re like Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. Both at the same time means disaster.
I actually thought BackupBuddy lets you store to DHO though…
UpdraftPlus lets you save ’em – https://wiki.dreamhost.com/How_to_Use_UpdraftPlus_with_DreamObjects
Anyway, yes, it’s a problem that it’s not compatible with all things, but it’s not a simple one to work around :/ Which is why it stops you from doing anything and blowing up your site.
} elseif (is_plugin_active( 'amazon-web-services/amazon-web-services.php' )) {
dreamobjects_core_incompatibile( __( 'Running both DreamObjects Backups AND BackupBuddy at once will cause a rift in the space/time continuum, because we use different versions of the AWS SDK. Please deactivate BackupBuddy if you wish to use DreamObjects.', 'dreamobjects' ) );
} elseif (is_plugin_active( 'backupbuddy/backupbuddy.php' )) {
dreamobjects_core_incompatibile( __( 'Running both DreamObjects Backups AND Amazon Web Services at once will cause a rift in the space/time continuum, because we use different versions of the AWS SDK. Please deactivate Amazon Web Services if you wish to use DreamObjects.', 'dreamobjects' ) );
… Yeaaah so looks like I pasted them in the wrong sections. Well done me!)