• Check out my weblog on https://www.soccerglobe.net .. ul c that in the second post “Arsenal go for sporting lisbon pair” . i have added a image to the post . but only 1 line comes on the right of the image while the rest of it is below . and i need not say that it looks ugly . what should i do so that all the text comes on the right of the image ??

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  • Thread Starter anirudha1988


    the same way it has been done here at https://criscom.at/

    See if this helps: Wrapping_Text_Around_Images

    Thread Starter anirudha1988


    ummm well i am quite a newbie to this ?? .. the link u have given is good but dsnt make much sense to me . .n i have made my site with a lot of hard work and am on the verge of a partnerhsip wid espn . so do not want to mess things up at this stage .

    Is der a simple way to alight the image on the left like in https://criscom.at/ ?? ..

    While editing the post, select the image (click once).

    If using the WYSIWYG editor, study those toolbar buttons along the top of your editor. You’ll see 3 that, when you over over them, say “align left”, “align center” and “align right”. Click one and see what happens with your image.

    Thread Starter anirudha1988


    Hey thanks! .. that worked out pretty wlel .. but now i cant see the google adsense tabs . thats ok though . il do it on ma own . .thanks a lot ??

    Thread Starter anirudha1988


    ohh btw if u see my site ul see this stupid ” /> above the header ,, i know its their because of this bit of code

    <meta name=”description” content=”<meta name=\”verify-v1\” content=\”sL5mABYevql1V0VkeLDZiF7YuhBeHRoExrQihsXPtsc=\” />” />

    but to edit it i need to find that code which i unfortunately cant!

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