Internet explorer not showing posted stuff
I use Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer. What I can see what I posted early today when I open my blog using Chrome and Firefox, but it doesn’t appears when using Internet Explorer. In this case what I can see is yesterday’s stuff.
How can I solve that?
First, please make sure that your browser is up to date by visiting
If it is not, please try updating your browser or switching to a different browser.
If it is, please do these two things:
1. Try clearing your browser’s cache.
2. Try with all browser extensions or add-ons temporarily disabled.
Please let us know how each step goes for you, and which browser (and version of) you’re using if you’re still having trouble.
Thanks. Clearing cache was not enough, but when I disables add-ons it worked fine.
Ok, so one of your add-ons was causing the problem.
Next time it happens, try disabling them individually until you find the one causing the problem.
Well, James, same problem came back again, and it wasn’t present last time I open my blog using IE. All add-ons are disabledand cache has been cleared again. I really never use IE but I’m curious about that.
With all add-ons disabled, and the browser cache cleared, you still don’t see your recent posts in IE?
Which version of IE are you using?
One more detail. I’ve at home two desktops (one with Windows 7 and one with Vista) plus and one laptop with windows 7 too. The IE problem is the same in all three, so I think it comes from my blog and not from IE.
Just in case you want to check it, try to open using Cdrome, Firefox and IE. Last article posted is “La familia pakistaní que guardaba un secreto sobre el cerebro humano”, on May 26.
On Chrome and Firefox, the blog calendar shows that something was posted on the May 26; on IE, last post is on May 25.
Version 11.0.19.
Sorry, MacManX, I didn’t analyzed the case carefully, and I’ve realized now that it happens even in my Android smartphone. So it seems to me that the problem is in my WordPress blog, and it also seems to me that it happened when I updated the Google Analyticator plugin. And this has become an issue now because the daily amount of visits fell down.
My site:
Chrome Firefox IE AndroidDesktop W7 Day 26 OK Day 26 OK Day 25
Laptop W7 Day 25 Day 25 Day 25
Desktop Vista Day 25 Day 25 Day 25
My Cell Day 25
Ok, try deactivating all plugins. If that resolves the issue, reactivate each one individually until you find the cause.
If that does not resolve the issue, try switching to the default theme for your version of WordPress to rule-out a theme-specific issue.
I first deactivated the Google Analyticator, and the article last posted yesterday shows up, with Chrome, Firefox and IE, in all my 3 PCs (W7 desktop, W7 laptop, and Vista desktop) and even in my Android smartphone.
I then posted a new article with today’s date, but it only shows up in my W7 desktop and only with Chrome and Firefox.
I then deactivated all other plug-ins, with same results regarding last posted article but one more thing: deactivation of Auto-Excerpt was shown only in W7 desktop and only with Chrome and Firefox. It had no effect in any other device.
I activated all plug-ins but Googe Analyticator, refreshed my blog admin page, cleared my blog cache… and everything is working fine now. Bur i still don’t know why that problem happened and why it was solved.
I think it’s probably definitely the browser cache, or something with the browser, otherwise we’d have an epidemic of a few million WordPress sites not working on IE. ??
If it ever happens again, try that one more time.
This seems to me something absurd. After the problem seems to be solved, I continued posting… but the new articles appear only in W7 Desktop.
The other devices, my Android smartphone included, show as the most recently and last posted article the one I posted after deactivating Google Analyticator, as explained in second paragraph of my previous comment here.
I cleared my blog cache, but is didn’t solve anything.
Is there any limitation for the quantity of post in a given day?
A crazy idea with a happy result that could be useful for someone else.
I entered my blog as Admin > All entries > Find last posted article (the one on top of the list) > Edit it > Click on Update, and voilá! ALL the articles that didn’t appear before showed up immediately in ALL my devices and with ALL the three browsers.
But let’s see what happens tomorrow.
Ah, interesting. I wonder if you’re running a cache on the blog.
Are you using any sort of caching plugin, or do you see a “Clear/Purge Cache” button in your Dashboard or admin bar? If so, would you please try clearing the cache?
Note: You do not need to install a caching plugin at this point just to clear a cache you don’t have. If you don’t have a caching plugin or a way to clear a server-level cache, just say so. ??
MacManX, I don’t know what you mean by “running cache on the blog”. I’m not a tech guy.
Whenever I mentioned that “I cleared my blog cache” I meant that I clicked on the “Clear cache” button which is in the top bar, close to “+ New” button. Something I used to do the few times I enter my blog as Admin, and I enter few times because I always post using Windows Live Writer, something I didn’t mention before and that could explain that estrange problem .
These are the plug-ins I have installed:
? Add Meta Tags
? Akismet
? Auto Excerpt
? Google XML Sitemaps
? Official StatCounter Plugin
? WP-PostViews
? WP Super CacheDo you mean I don’t need the “WP Super Cache” one?
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