basically I have call the wp_list_categories() function on all pages within wordpress which I then style to make a navigation bar, this all works fine within wp. However I have a secondary section to my site which i want to also use the same navigation bar.
I have tried using the include wp-blog-header function however this results in a conflict of classes on certain pages.
A work-around that I can think of is to call the wp_list_categories() function from within the wp section of the site, but instead of putting it to the screen I could place it in a variable which can then be output to a text file.
Then from within the offending/problem section pages I can then just include the text file and this will display the nav bar without problems/conflicts.
I have tested by copying the listing html output from the wp pages and manually placing it in a text file and pulling this file in again to the other sections. This works fine..
So all I need to know is how to get the category listing to automatically write the results of the function to the text file.
Manually doing this is not possible all the time as if the user changes the name of categories in one section I need to have these updatable in the text file automatically.
Any help would be great, hopefully this has explained my problem better?