Offending code in source
Hi everyone,
After many, many months, I’ve finally finished building my website ( Bear in mind that I have zero programming or developer knowledge whatsoever.
I took Maintenance mode off and opened the site on another computer that wasn’t autologged in to my WP. I noticed a problem: there is a rogue hyperlink to some crappy viagra news rubbish, which incidentally doesn’t actually lead anywhere.
I’ve searched high and low throughout my theme files, header files, sidebar files…. everywhere! But I can’t find the damned link anywhere.
So I opened the source code from my web browser and lo and behold I found the offending code:
<a href="https://... moderated.... /viagra-patent-expiration-date-in-arab-emirates/">viagra patent expiration date in arab emirates</a>
The whole section of the code is:
color: #ED1D23; margin-top: 10px; }</style><noscript><style> .wpb_animate_when_almost_visible { opacity: 1; }</style></noscript></head> <body class="home page page-id-191 page-template-default wpb-js-composer js-comp-ver-4.5.1 vc_responsive"> <div id="style-main"> <nav class="style-nav"> <div class="style-nav-inner"> <ul class="style-hmenu menu-2"> <li class="menu-item-193 active"><a href="">Home</a> <li class="menu-item-262"><a href="#">What We Offer</a> <ul> <li class="menu-item-80"><a href="">Package Deals</a> <li class="menu-item-554"><a href="">Smoothies</a> ......... moderated
Now…. It is a custom header, which is within a custom-built theme (someone made if for me, but now I can’t get hold of them).
Any ideas at all as to where I can find this rogue hyperlink code in the PHP files of my WP, so that I can delete it once and for all?
Any help would be very greatly appreciated.
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