• Hi. Can anyone spot something wrong with my syntax for including post meta data for a newly created post. Here’s my POST body:

      "title": "random string",
      "content_raw": "randon string",
      "type": "location",
      "status": "publish",
      "post_meta": [
          "key": "location_text",
          "value": "random string"

    Without the post_meta element the post succeeds. With it I’m returned a 400 bad request:

      "code": "json_meta_post_mismatch",
      "message": "Meta does not belong to this object"



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  • Thread Starter Ben


    Hmmm.. turns out regardless of the 400 error it adds it anyway to the post. That’s not right

    I’m experiencing the same issue, furthermore it saves only the first object of the post_meta array. Any ideas?

    Is anyone using Pods Framework? Or some plugin using the ‘add_post_metadata’ filter?
    My problem has been solved when disabling the plugin returning a non-null value through this filter. I can create my post meta without any returned error from the API.

    I hope this might help.

    Thread Starter Ben


    I use Pods a lot so it’s very possible it was installed. (thanks for the contribution!)

    I’m not using Pods.

    None of this worked for me.

    I also tried setting “feature_image” to an image post id, nothing.

    Then I inspected an object returned from /wp-json/wp/v2/posts/<id> and noticed a “featured_media”: “0” in the json, so I tried setting that value to an image post id and it worked.
    so my POST looks like this:

                    method: "POST",
                    url: "https://<domain>/wp-json/wp/v2/posts" ,
                    headers: { 'Authorization' : 'Basic ' + $scope.au },
                    data: {
                    title: $scope.postData.title,
                    content: $scope.postData.content,
                    status: $scope.postData.status,
                    featured_media: $scope.imageid,
                    post_meta: [
                            "key": "_thumbnail_id",
                            "value":  $scope.imageid

    I’m still working on getting oAuth1.0a to work correctly, so I’m using Basic Authentication for development.

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