• Hello everyone, I’m a programmer but very very newbie to php and wordpress environment.

    I was trying to figure out how to see the source code of the written shortcode.

    For instance:
    Let’s say I have a page PageA.
    In PageA, I have just shortcode let’s say [my_name] . That shortcode brings my name by running some php code behind and prints my name. (Assumption)

    What I want to see is, where can I find, which code snippet that that shortcode executes. ( int this case [my_name] )

    I can’t figure that out.. That shortcode should trigger some part of code somehow (probably by using shortcode api), but the question where that source which is run by calling that shortcode!!!! ????

    I would really appreciate if someone can help about it.

    Thanks guys

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  • WordPress only as a very few Shortcodes “built-in”. All the rest are added by plugins and themes.

    First place to check is the documentation of your chosen plugins and themes, to see if they say what shortcodes they define, if any. Second is to start searching through .php files, in the plugins and themes directories, looking for use of the add_shortcode() function. Personally, I use the Find in Files feature of NotePad++, though, in this case, that would mean copying the plugins and themes directories to your computer’s hard disk.

    Thread Starter curiousBoy


    Thanks jonradio, but that was what I have been afraid of…

    I was hoping there is an easy way to see the callback functions of shortcodes.

    Does anyone else know any other way to help me to figure out to find the source of code of user defined shortcodes?

    As evidenced by the lack of response, Shortcodes are not something that WordPress stores nicely someplace for simple viewing. Although at least one plugin allows authors to create their shortcodes in that manner, I don’t know anyone who uses it to offer shortcodes to the general public.

    What I’m saying might make more sense if you take a quick glance at the official Shortcode API documentation:

    As you will see, anyone who wants to define a plugin simply creates a PHP Function, makes sure it is available on every WordPress “load”, and tells WordPress the name of the Function with the add_shortcode() function.

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