• hello! after upgrading to 2.2.2 one thing boggles my mind: who the heck invented “show so-and-so post on blog’s page” function at https://www.synthdicate.com/wp-admin/options-reading.php

    ok, i set that to “-1” cuz i want all posts to be shown in the categories’ archive section.

    now i type so-and-so string to search and it gets back ALL results on one page, no matter how many are there, just can be one million, and no pagination works.

    the question is should i always scroll down till the end of century of some orelse wp devs rollback the functions to a normal state? (no refers to plugins pls) thanx!

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  • This should get interesting…
    The limit is there so your main page doesn’t bog down with the ‘century’ of posts. Does that make enough sense to you? The search issue indeed should be paginated so thanks for pointing that out, in such an idiotic manner if I may borrow your phrasing.
    Kinda strong statements coming from someone with two posts. cuz….

    Thread Starter synthspotting


    the limit is there to add blog readers and admin another pain in the ass. the point is that this limit ruins the easiness of navigation and the structural charm, that is why i call it ‘idiotic’ no matter how many posts i have here. i just wanted to make some sense. thanx!

    ok, i set that to “-1” cuz i want all posts to be shown in the categories’ archive section.

    Why is this intention less “idiotic” than having all the search hits/results on one page?

    The setting (# of posts) affects every multipost view (= index, archives, category archives, search) equally.

    If you want different values for different view – use a plugin. I do refer to plugins because that’s why they were invented: to add those additonal features that YOU want but million other users might not want.

    Thread Starter synthspotting


    less idiotic becuz this thing is called “categories” which is to differentiate one sort of posts from another

    but search goes thru all categories and might result in showing ALL posts on one single page, can’t you analyze that??

    Thread Starter synthspotting


    well, for index.php it can be cured by

    <?php query_posts('showposts=10'); ?>
    <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

    but for search.php this trick ain’t pulling rabbits out of hat!

    i just wanted to make some sense.

    Well it ain’t making sense. But you figured it out, good.

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