Well, not so good news for me. 3 points:
1) I’ve now discovered that WP 4.2 requires the updated “Press This” [PT] tool, which I don’t like as much as the earlier version. Latest version:
1) doesn’t give you the option to edit post from the PT dialogue box. You have to go back into WP/Posts to make any changes. I always add the author and the date at the top of each article, plus a comment before the end backlink. I have to make sure I don’t forget to do this before publishing. Bit of a nuisance.
2) comes already italicised. Have to backspace to get it to normal font.
2) Hostgator made the changes, which took a bit of sorting out (they actually had to see the error in action to fully understand what was happening). This also means that for any new website I create, I will have to contact Hostgator and go thru the whole process each time. Bit of mucking around.
3) So now, I have 3 websites updated to WP 4.2, consequently having to use the updated PT tool (not happy). I also have 2 websites with WP 4.1 and previous version of PT. I have to make the decision whether to stay with WP 4.1 or update to WP 4.2 and use newer version of PT.
I DO WISH developers would not make new versions ‘better’ … it invariably ends up not being ‘better’. This is not a case of not liking change; it means it now takes me longer to post articles.
I did try the previous workaround of copying/pasting from V1 of PT to V2 but that didn’t work. The code for the latest version is completely different – much longer.
Oh well, the ‘joys’ of modern technology.
Not the result I was looking for, but seems I’ll just have to get used to it. Haven’t made up my mind about updating my last 2 websites to 4.2.
Hope this helps – sort of.
Cheers Niki