I found it:
I created a child plugin in sexy_author_bio.php
* Sexy Author Bio
* @package Sexy_Author_Bio
* @author Andy Forsberg <[email protected]>
* @license GPL-2.0+
* @copyright 2015 Penguin Initiatives
* @wordpress-plugin
* Plugin Name: Sexy Author Bio Child
* Description: A WordPress author bio plugin that adds a sexy, custom about the author box below your posts for single and multiple authors.
* Version: 1.3.6
* Author: penguininitiatives
* Author URI: https://penguininitiatives.com/
* Text Domain: sexy-author-bio
* License: GPL-2.0+
* License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt
* Domain Path: /languages
* Template: Sexy_Author_Bio
and unset in on line 570 in class-sexy-author-bio.php
public function contact_methods( $methods ) {
// Add new methods.
//$methods[‘behance’] = __( ‘Behance’, $this->plugin_slug );
//$methods[‘blogger’] = __( ‘Blogger’, $this->plugin_slug );
//$methods[‘delicious’] = __( ‘Delicious’, $this->plugin_slug );
//$methods[‘deviantart’] = __( ‘DeviantArt’, $this->plugin_slug );
//$methods[‘dribbble’] = __( ‘Dribbble’, $this->plugin_slug );
//$methods[’email2′] = __( ‘Email’, $this->plugin_slug );
//$methods[‘facebook’] = __( ‘Facebook’, $this->plugin_slug );
//$methods[‘flickr’] = __( ‘Flickr’, $this->plugin_slug );
//$methods[‘github’] = __( ‘GitHub’, $this->plugin_slug );
//$methods[‘google’] = __( ‘Google+’, $this->plugin_slug );
//$methods[‘instagram’] = __( ‘Instagram’, $this->plugin_slug );
$methods[‘linkedin’] = __( ‘LinkedIn’, $this->plugin_slug );
//$methods[‘myspace’] = __( ‘MySpace’, $this->plugin_slug );
//$methods[‘pinterest’] = __( ‘Pinterest’, $this->plugin_slug );
//$methods[‘rss’] = __( ‘RSS’, $this->plugin_slug );
//$methods[‘stumbleupon’] = __( ‘StumbleUpon’, $this->plugin_slug );
//$methods[‘tumblr’] = __( ‘Tumblr’, $this->plugin_slug );
$methods[‘twitter’] = __( ‘Twitter’, $this->plugin_slug );
//$methods[‘vimeo’] = __( ‘Vimeo’, $this->plugin_slug );
//$methods[‘wordpress’] = __( ‘WordPress’, $this->plugin_slug );
//$methods[‘yahoo’] = __( ‘Yahoo!’, $this->plugin_slug );
//$methods[‘youtube’] = __( ‘YouTube’, $this->plugin_slug );
// Remove old methods.
unset( $methods[‘aim’] );
unset( $methods[‘yim’] );
unset( $methods[‘jabber’] );
return $methods;
I you have better suggestions, I like to hear it.