• When I go to products in the admin, I see All (1,452) but only the Published (269) are listed and appear. I can click on All but still no luck, just the 269 ever display. I can’t access any of the products that are not listed as published. The url query for all is edit.php?post_type=wpsc-product.


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  • We have the same problem after updating to WP 4.2.2 and WP eCommerce 3.9.4.

    On “All” (More than 5000 Products) https://XYZ.com/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=wpsc-product and “Published” (5000) comes just a white page after a few seconds loading time.

    Since the published items are not displayed in admin, we can’t delete or edit these products!

    On these links the site work properly:
    Draft (400 Products) https://XYZ.com/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=draft&post_type=wpsc-product

    Pending (240 Products) https://XYZ.com/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pending&post_type=wpsc-product

    It looks as if the eCommerce plugin don’t get along with the number of products. A test shop at the same wp-system with much less product is working properly and also shows All and Published Products.

    Can someone help? Thanks!

    No one knows why to many products in the admin area lead to a white page after upgrading? Or how we can fix it?

    @anix Could you solve the problem?

    Updating to WP eCommerce 3.10.1, Gold Card 2.9.9 and WP 4.3.1 has not solved the problem.

    It appears the same problem as:



    Your problems do not sound like they are the same issue. If you are experiencing white pages there can be many reasons for this. I would first suggest enabling debug in your WP config. Then run the site to see if any errors are presented. Often white pages are either PHP errors or out of memory. Cheap hosting is notorious for causing white pages since they provide very minimal resources. You could contact your hosting provider and ask them to provide PHP with 256M – 512M the more products the more memory you need available to WordPress. White page of death https://docs.wpecommerce.org/white-page-of-death-site-not-loading/

    As for the original post this sounds possibly like you have a conflict possibly with the theme or another plugin. I would suggest following the steps in our trouble shooting guide.

    So far we could not solve the problem, unfortunately.

    The memory limit is 512 MB and the highest ever seen load factor was 96 MB (on admin dashboard).

    We have all plugins deactivated (except WP eCommerce).
    We have the theme changed.
    All without success. It just always comes a white page.

    If debug is on, the product admin page loads the navibar on top (no navi on the left) and the errors:

    Notice: Die verwendete Konstruktoren-Methode für WP_Widget ist seit Version 4.3.0 veraltet! Verwende stattdessen
    . in /home/xyz/www/xyz/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3457

    Notice: has_cap wurde mit einem Parameter oder Argument aufgerufen, der seit Version 2.0 veraltet ist! Die Benutzung von

    user_level in Plugins und Themes ist veraltet. Nutze stattdessen das Abfragen von roles oder capabilities. in

    /home/xyz/www/xyz/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3570

    (So after all, more than a blank page…)

    I just did an upgrade from 3.9 to 10.1 om a site with 19,963 no issue with WP-eCommerce. PHP memory is set around 150MB

    Some other things you may want to check, admittedly low possibility of being the cause.

    1) There was a recent bug in WordPress that caused tens/hundreds/thousands of CRON jobs to get queued. These could cause out of memory errors on some systems. Use a CRONTROL plugin to check to sere if this is an issue.

    2) Look at the WordPress options table and see if the option that has the WP-eCommerce version is present and properly formatted. If the option is an odd value there is a very remote chance that the upgrade routine is trying to upgrade from a near paleolithic version of the plugin, if this is the case it could take a while and use much memory.

    3) Double check again that drag and drop is not being used to order the products.

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