• Hi

    Is there a plug in or a way to make posts appear on certain pages only. For example I have a couple of password protected pages I wish to post on that I do not want to appear on main page. Is this possible?

    As a second question, is it possible to have a different blogroll on these pages, with different links.



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  • Awesome question; too bad it is being ignored.

    I also would love the ability to have posts go to other pages besides the front page. I am sure some one will dream up a solution to this eventually as WP transitions from being a blog application towards being a full on CMS.

    I love wordpress!
    [sig moderated]

    This is answered frequently, I’m a little surprised a search didn’t turn it up.

    The most common way is to use a category excluder plugin. Any post you don’t want to show up, add it to a category that’s excluded.

    Here are two plugins (depending on which version of WP you’re using):

    Category Visibility plugin.
    Ultimate Category Excluder plugin.

    I’ve been messing around with a different way of doing this that uses Custom Fields instead of categories. You can read about that in this post.

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