“1.2 NOTICE: Total redesign of the plugin in (v1.2). If you want to upgrade, you have to recreate portfolio items from the scratch in a new simpler way.”
This is been written in the update notice.
However, here is a quick fix that you could run into your database:
Quick solution for your problem, is to execute these SQL query:
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_type=’itech_portfolio’ WHERE post_type=’portfolio’;
UPDATE wp_term_taxonomy SET taxonomy=’waving_portfolio_category’ WHERE taxonomy=’portfolio_category’;
UPDATE wp_term_taxonomy SET taxonomy=’waving_portfolio_tag’ WHERE taxonomy=’portfolio_tag’;
And all should be sorted out.
By the way a major enhancement and redesign for the plugin has been done in version 1.2, note that you have to select your galleries again using the new selection feature for each portfolio item, for a short term changes this might be hectic, but for long term simplicity and manageability it is better to move to 1.2.
Thanks for your migration