sanity check for a minor fix I’m about to do to wpmu (roles in wpmu-blogs.php)
Hi, I’m posting here because I didn’t like the notion of “high traffic” on the development/planning list, and it didn’t quite seem like the right venue anyway. Maybe I’ll dive in to that later, but for now I just have a question for a developer-type-person who is familiar with wpmu. If there are none of those here, would someone direct me to the right place?
I was thinking of adding a few lines to the editblog action of wpmu-blogs.php to correct the following problem a site admin has when trying to edit a blog: the select tag for role in the “Add a new user” area of the page is populated by the roles for the blog the site admin is logged in under, as opposed to the roles for the blog actually being edited.
It seems that I can get away with just fetching the roles from the options table and storing them into the global wp_roles variable, since it appears the only thing that will happen is rendering the Edit Blog page, but I’m paranoid and would like some assurance or an outline of the preferred solution.
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