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  • Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @parloder – You can either do this via filters or our Advanced Targeting Conditions extension offers this in a few clicks as well as much more.

    can you explain where to set up “filters”?


    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @pwizard has an example, you will need to set up the if() to check if its mobile device or not

    Great plugin by the way!

    Is there any chance you might be able to direct me into what to put where to disable this popup on mobile devices?

    if ($detect->isMobile()) {
        return true;
    	return $is_loadable;
    add_filter('popmake_popup_is_loadable', 'mycustom_popup_is_loadable', 1000, 2 );
    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    You need to return false if you don’t want it to load. so isMobile returns false not true.

    Thank you very much buddy. And where do I copy it???

    So to keep it from loading on mobile, we just change true to false?

    (theme’s functions.php file)

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @pwizard – You will need to include additional PHP libraries as $detect is not included with WP or Popup Maker.

    But in the popmake_popup_is_loadable returning true makes a popup load, false prevents it from loading.

    I really appreciate your help here bud. Is there any chance you might be able to tell me how to ‘include additional PHP libraries’???

    I really have no clue!

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @egreenman – It may be more worth your time to check out the advanced targeting extension( $14) if your anything like me, the time it takes you to get everything setup, tested and working correctly would be way more costly than the price of the extension. You could do this in just a few clicks as well as many other things.

    To include the library you can check out the code example and get the files needed at If you are not familiar with PHP very much it may take some trial and error even with my assistance to get it set up & working correctly. Make sure you have FTP access to upload the PHP library files into your theme most likely and then use the “require /path/to/files/Mobile_Detect.php” prior to calling $detect = new Mobile_Detect;. Once you do that then you can call $detect->isMobile in your filter.

    What happens if I download the wp mobile detects plugin???

    I really do appreciate this help!

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @egreenman – Not sure what you mean. Do you mean will the popup show when that plugin is active? If it doesn’t call wp_footer then no popups will load in general. Many of the Mobile WP plugins disable wp_footer in this way.

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @egreenman – I just took a look at that plugin. You could use it to add different content to the popup for mobile but not to disable the popup entirely for mobile.

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    This one uses the same mobile detect library but offers an is_mobile() function that you could use in the filter I outlined.

    Thanks… Again!

    So, is this the right code? And if so where do I put it???

    if (!wp_is_mobile()) : ?>
    add_filter('popmake_popup_is_loadable', 'mycustom_popup_is_loadable', 1000, 2 );

    Thanks a million!

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