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  • Plugin Author Ilja Zaglov


    Hi Tony,

    this is actually a common problem with responsive sites and google maps.
    Try the following css inside your cild-themes style.css. This should work out for most cases.

    .responsiveMap label {
    width: auto;
    display: inline;
    .responsiveMap img {
    max-width: none;
    max-height: none;

    Hope this works out for you!

    Also there is a typo in your shortcode example. There is an ‘=’ missing after scale_control.

    If you have any more troubles with the plugin please let us know!


    Thread Starter TonyM2


    Thanks Ilja

    That fixed most things (typo also corrected)

    [responsive_map lat=”51.4″ lng=”7.01″ show_marker=”true” title=”test title” height=”400px” zoom=”14″ pan_control=”true” scale_control=”true” zoom_control=”true” map_type_control=”true” overview_map_control=”false”]

    I cannot get the title to work (not essential for me). Also, is it possible to allow dragging the map as well as using the pan control?

    The plugin is the best I have come across for what I want to do so I will be rating it shortly with 5 stars.


    Plugin Author Ilja Zaglov


    Hi Tony,

    good to hear that the plug-in does it’s job!
    The drag functionality is quite an issue. The problem is, that when enabled, users will experience problems on touch devices. They will be able to scroll over inside the map, but not be able to °overscroll” the map itself. This can be quite frustrating. So the dragging feature is disabled.

    However we are thinking on implementing something to enable scrolling on desktop devices but prevent scrolling on mobile.

    We’re trying to keep the code as slim as possible, so it takes us a day or two to find the ?best” solution.

    Meanwhile you could modify the responsiveMaps.js which is located inside of the js directory. Set ?draggable” to ?true”. This should be somewhere around line 95 of the file.

    We’ll have a look into the title issue.


    Thread Starter TonyM2


    Hi Ilja

    OK that makes sense – scrolling on mobile devices is a potential problem with no easy solution.

    Any reason why I cannot get title=”test title” to work?

    Keeping the code slim is a good aim. The only other feature that I would like to see is an alternative marker image. No doubt I can fix that by modifying the code.


    Plugin Author Ilja Zaglov


    Hi Ilja,

    I took a quick look into the code. The title was a bug within the JS – it’s fixed now. Dragging can now be enabled as well.


    Thread Starter TonyM2


    Hi Ilja

    Dragging works fine on my laptop – not managed to test touch screen device.

    I have turned off the scroll zoom feature – is this disabled for touch screen devices as well, in which case I will turn it back on?

    Another suggestion – the title – could this be displayed as an option? At present it is mouse over display.


    Plugin Author Ilja Zaglov


    Hi Tony,

    the scroll zoom features doesn’t affect touchscreens as far as I know. So it can be turned on without having any trouble.

    We will check out the possibilities to display the title in the map. Maybe there will be some time for that next week.


    Thread Starter TonyM2


    Thanks Ilja

    If you want some more ideas for adding functionality (but still keeping it all simple)

    – allow an alternate map centre lat/long

    At present the centre is the same as the marker.

    Pro Version?

    – allow secondary markers perhaps with a different marker
    – allow links on markers

    These are just ideas for you to consider – the last two could be wrapped in a pro paid for plugin maybe.


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