Hi @hendersonmarka
Thanks for giving Ultra a try. Apologies for the lack of documentation. I’ll have that done ASAP. Really glad to hear you made progress with the Meta Slider integration.
For anyone else reading, once you’ve installed the Meta Slider plugin and created a slider, you can then select it as your home page slider at Appearance > Theme Settings > Home or on any page using the right column Page Slider drop down menu.
Meta Slider Free unfortunately doesn’t have the ability to a text layers, that’s included in their premium offering, Meta Slider Pro. Ultra has a little code baked in that will let you add a layer to each slide using the Caption field in Meta Slider. If you add an image to the Caption field it will be added as a layer. In the case of the demo slider I used:
Main slide image: 1200 x 480
Overlay image added to caption field: 2400 x 960 (doubling the size helps with hi-res)
Slider stretch option in Appearance > Theme Settings: ON
I’ll hop onto your other topic shortly.
Any questions? Fire away.