• I am having trouble getting Bloglet (www.Bloglet.com) to work properly with WP. Has anyone had it running successfully, and if so, what did you use for settings?

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  • Thread Starter shaeleigh


    My file is wp-rss2.php…and I did use the RSS option. I get an error every time. Does that little “2” make a difference?

    its a totally different version mate!

    I have tried using the RSS option and pointing it toward the wp-rss.php file but I get the following: ERROR: The underlying connection was closed: The remote name could not be resolved. Any suggestions? I’m a newbie at wordpress.

    Moderator James Huff


    URL please…

    Thread Starter shaeleigh


    I meant to come back to let you know my bloglet problem is solved. It was a matter of that little number 2. Works like a charm now.

    I can’t get mine to work! Here’s the info I entered into bloglet:
    weblog title: Megiddo
    weblog url: https://blog.meg-tech.com
    server: https://blog.meg-tech.com/wp-rss.php
    weblog type: RSS

    But when I test it, it gives me this:
    ERROR: The underlying connection was closed: The server committed an HTTP protocol violation.

    And when I tested it with a feed validator ( https://feedvalidator.org/check.cgi?url=https://blog.meg-tech.com/wp-rss.php ), it says that it’s a valid feed! What’s the problem here?

    Oh, I have no hacks on as well

    Uhm I know the fix for this … give me a second to search for it. I had to make ac hange to wp-rss.php to get it to work (NewsGator was kicking up a fuss with the feed even though it “validated”)

    [EDIT] Check out this site https://www.kbcafe.com/rss/?guid=20041102095814 and read near the bottom about the Last-Modified bit.

    At the moment it’s more than likely got a space in it when it needs a -.

    Let me know if this helps?

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Cool I take it it worked then?


    This worked for me under 1.5

    weblog title: (name of your site)
    weblog url: (url of your site)
    weblog id: (leave blank)
    username: (leave blank)
    password: (leave blank)
    server: (yourblog.com/feed/rss)
    weblog type: (RSS)
    enabled (check)
    hide this blog (uncheck)
    email setting (set to your liking)

    Bobby2222, that worked.

    I’ve read through and followed the information on this thread, which I see is about a year old. So perhaps there is more up to date information. I see nothing in codex about Bloglet.

    So in following Bobby2222’s suggestion above, I used the server url as jmviews.com/feed/rss However, in looking at the files in my directory, the path would appear to be more correct as jmviews.com/wp-feed.php or jmviews.com/wp-rss.php or jmviews.com/wp-rss2.php

    I’ve tried to carry out the last-modified fix, but do not find the word “modified” in the php file.

    Any ideas?

    Moderator James Huff


    I have heard several reports recently that Bloglet is broken and the owner isn’t responding to any emails inquiring about the situation. You may be better off using a WordPress plugin to manage email subscriptions, like Skippy’s Subscribe2: https://www.skippy.net/blog/category/wordpress/plugins/subscribe2/

    Thanks, Macmanx,

    I did try subscribe2, put it on both my blogs only to find out afterward that it only works when entries are manually posted. I set all my posts for scheduled sends. Too bad, it’s a nice little plugin.

    Any other ideas?

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