• Resolved TerraBite



    thank you very much for doing this awesome plugin.

    I use your plugin on 5 sites of my website (so not globally) and would like to change the Schema.org-Type from Article to SoftwareApplication without touching the function.php of my theme (to insert the code you reccomanded in the readme).

    Is there a possibility to do so using your wp-postratings/wp-postratings.php file? If yes how?

    I tried to change this line there to SoftwareApplication:
    // Check To See Whether User Has Voted
    $user_voted = check_rated($ratings_id);
    // HTML Attributes
    if( is_single() || is_page() ) {
    $itemtype = apply_filters(‘wp_postratings_schema_itemtype’, ‘itemscope itemtype=”https://schema.org/SoftwareApplication “‘);
    $attributes = ‘id=”post-ratings-‘.$ratings_id.'” class=”post-ratings” ‘.$itemtype;
    } else {
    $attributes = ‘id=”post-ratings-‘.$ratings_id.'” class=”post-ratings”‘;


    but after doing so the google structured data analyzer tool claims that there are no aggregate data for SoftwareApplication.

    Please help changing the Schema Type

    Many Thanks


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  • Plugin Author Lester Chan


    Sorry, I don’t provide support for modification of the plugin.

    Having said that, I would recommend using the function instead of modifying the plugin instead because if there is a security update to the plugin, you will lose your changes.

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