Ah, oh that’s interesting because I was anticipating on a slight chance that this could happen …
It could be that even though the “Hide Backend” feature was enabled it was not fully operational the way it should be.
When enabling the “Hide Backend” feature 2 changes take place:
1. The Hide Backend feature boolean flag is set to 1 (yes) in the database. Once set it can only be changed by knowingly disabling the Hide Backend checkbox.
So we can safely assume this was in place at the time the issue occurred.
2. Also the following lines are added to the .htaccess file in the root of the WP install:
# BEGIN Hide Backend
# Rules to hide the dashboard
RewriteRule ^(/wordpress/)?newslug/?$ /wordpress/wp-login.php [QSA,L]
# END Hide Backend
(This is taken from my test env where I have WP installed in a “wordpress” subdir).
The .htaccess file is known to be the weak link. It can be altered while the iTSec plugin is completely unaware of this.
And apart from the “Hide Backend” feature there are numerous other iTSec plugin features (settings) that also write to the .htaccess file.
So when you just disable\enable the “Hide Backend” feature and click on the “Save All Changes” button the iTSec plugin will always write all lines for all settings to the .htaccess file (and wp-config.php).
What I’m trying to say is that the root cause of the issue could very well have been an incorrectly configured .htaccess (or even wp-config.php) file. Enabling\disabling the “Hide Backend” feature has possibly straightened out the .htaccess (and wp-config.php) file.
It would be interesting to compare the content of the current .htaccess file with a recent backup copy (if available).
Without a full understanding of what exactly caused the issue there is always a possibility that the issue returns sooner or later.
You can also post the content of the current .htaccess (after making some changes to obscure sensible data) so I can take a look at it. It will give me an idea of the settings activated in the iTSec plugin.
But even more important is how the previous .htaccess file looked like.
So even though we got closer to the cause we still haven’t found that important piece of the puzzle I was talking about earlier. Would love to find it though.
Oh and I don’t think the whitelisting plays any role in this. If I understand correctly you were able to reproduce the issue even while being whitelisted.