Mixing full width layout with the default layout for post list
Hey Ben(great name btw!)
So my question is this (before I purchase the full width upgrade) is there a way to have specific posts display as a the full width layout and still keeping the regular default post list layout.
Basically I am using your theme to list out photo galleries(they are just regular posts) from events I shoot. But want to be able to make more “Blog” type posts of say my favorite pictures each month but have them show up full width to give users a way to easily differentiate between posts.
Now I know php but do not have a good handle on wordpress functions. I know my way around javascript and am capable enough with css.
A few thoughts on how to do it:
=Use a custom post type that calls on the full width template.
-Edit the post list loop to check for some kind of meta data slug or if a post belongs to a certain category?I’m sure it would only be a few lines of code in the loop
if “category/meta/slug=user defined” output full width else continue with regular formatingI just am unsure of your theme functions?
Hope all this makes sense(I’ve had a few coffes)
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