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  • Plugin Author PlanSo


    Hi JustBlog,

    currently we do not have an option to allow the labels to be placed side by side with the field.

    We are thinking about adding that option however. And if we do it definitely still be responsive and mobile friendly.

    We’ll keep you updated about our decision here.


    Thread Starter JustBlog



    Thanks for the quick response!

    Hope that it will be added in coming version soon.

    Just imagine if I have many inputs says 20 inputs, it will be a long line down the page. Hope that you see the point and may put the effort in it. ??

    Plugin Author PlanSo


    We’ve just pushed out a new update containing an option to place the labels in line with the fields. Just activate the “Place labels side by side with fields” option under “Additional Settings”.

    Please check out the “side by side layout” at our Example Forms.

    Please let us know if this is what you were looking for.

    If you like this we always enjoy getting good reviews ??


    It’s a good new option to have.

    Unfortunately, even if I uncheck and save the box “Place labels side by side with fields” it remains checked.

    Plugin Author PlanSo


    Thank you for letting us know. We’ve provided a quick fix for this with another update.


    Perfect! Thank you!

    Thread Starter JustBlog



    That’s exactly what I’m looking for. However, I think it is good to be able to set our own preferred width of the label and field?

    At the moment, the label width is fixed and when I have a long label, it will wrap the words and field becomes smaller than the label.

    Hope this can be fixed.


    Plugin Author PlanSo


    Would it be better to define the width on a per field or on a per form basis? I.e. have have different label width for each field or define it for the form for a consistent look and feel?


    Thread Starter JustBlog


    I would prefer per form basis as it will be easier for users and as well for a tidier look. Will be even better if you can add in says have the text align to left, center or right depending on what labels we put in.

    Besides, i’m not sure if it is my theme css or what but the input fields are joined instead of having padding or margin between them. Hope you might add in option for us to put how many pixel for the margin/padding between the fields.


    Plugin Author PlanSo


    JustBlog, with the latest Version (1.2.7 and above) we have updated the “side by side fields n labels” option to allow you to specify a relative width for the labels.


    Auch von mir erst einmal ein gro?es Lob für eure tolle Arbeit…endlich eine wirkliche Alternative zu contact 7 ??
    Leider werden bei mir die Felder untereinander angezeigt, obwohl ich sie nebeneinander gesetzt habe. Die oben beschriebene Auswahl “Place labels side by side with fields” ist bei mir nicht vorhanden. Ich nutze die Version 1.3.4.
    Ist dieses Feature nur in der Pro Version vorhanden?

    Viele Grü?e

    Plugin Author PlanSo


    Hallo germantic,

    In der Deutschen Version heisst die Option “Feld-Beschriftungen neben den Feldern anzeigen” und befindet sich unter den “Weitere Einstellungen”.

    Je nach Theme kann es n?tig sein, dass Du zus?tzlich die Option “Aktiviere das spezielle Bootstrap 3.0 basierte Stylesheet, um die Darstellung deines Formulars zu optimieren” aktivieren musst, damit das Layout korrekt dargestellt wird.


    Vielen Dank für die schnelle Antwort!
    Leider führen deine Ausführungen bei mir nicht zum erhofften Erfolg.
    Hier mal zwei Bilder bzgl. meiner Einstellung und der entsprechenden Ansicht.

    Egal welche Auswahl ich ausw?hle, das Ergebnis bleibt das gleiche.

    Ich befürchte, dass es an meinem Theme liegt…gibt es einen Tipp bzgl. style.css?


    Hier noch mal die Bilder…sorry ??

    Jetzt aber…



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